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Posts posted by marcelo_p._lima

  1. Believe it or not, I am asking for a suggestion on where to buy (or a

    brand to buy) for a simple, mechanical cable release. The reason is

    that I'm tired of having mine fail on me. I first bought an Adorama

    so-called "super pro cable release" which tore apart the second time

    I pressed it. I had to krazy glue the thing back but it broke again.

    Now my other generic cable release (from my local store) also tore

    apart. I suppose every camera manufacturer makes one, but to get to

    the point, which one won't break up after a couple of uses?

  2. While I don't get a dedicated flash for my P67II I want to know if I can use my Nikon SB-24 on automatic or manual. The camera's manual, of course, says a third party flash might damage the camera. Has anyone tried this? If I connect my SB-24 to my camera with a pc cable (through the x-synch contacts) I shouldn't have any problems, right?
  3. Has anyone experienced noticeable flare with this lens? I got it in the mail today and didn't have a chance to look through it during the day. Just now, pointing it at some night scenes (lamp posts maybe 300 feet away) I noticed some ghost images and moving the lens around I difference. My Nikon 70-210mm lens acts the same way when I point it at the same scenes. Steve, in your field test you didn't mention flare..is this "normal" for the design of this lens ?noticed some flare. I thought it was because of my UV filter, so I removed it (it's a Nikon, multicoated) and there was absolutely no






  4. <em>I must say that if anyone is that concerned over flash exposure a manual flash could work fine, and you could save yourself a lot of money.</em>


    So for plain manual/auto flash (no TTL), can I use an SB-24 with the P67II ? If so, I guess I can just connect the SB-24 to the camera with an x-synch cable, right? If I use the wooden handle with hotshoe (which has a 5P dedicated port) should I be able to use the SB-24 mounted on it, using the 5P cable (provided with the wooden handle) to connect it to the camera?

  5. >Thanks for the info. on storage...but I have seen no mention of how 6x9 is being labeled.


    I have the same question: it's easy enough to write captions on 35mm slides but how does one do that for MF transparencies ? I have never seen a storage file sheet that has room for captions or technical information for each shot.

  6. >It's always a cracker to help other people spend their money


    It is, but let me tell you how I did it. About 4 months ago I faced the same decision. While the Mamiya 645 Pro TL was my #1 choice, I gave that up when I visited the Mamiya site and saw the ridiculous size difference between 6x7 and 6x4.5 negatives. Then I looked at the prices: a Pentax 67 w/ lenses, all cheaper than the M645. If I'm moving up from 35mm, might as well go the whole shebang!!

  7. I think it's safe to say that in any specialized store (e.g. hifi audio, pro photography) there will be opinionated salesmen who talk like they know everything there is to know about a particular product, when in fact they've been brainwashed by some company's training/info session/brochure whatever. Or maybe they have some ulterior motive to try to sell you a particular brand vs. another (like higher commissions or something).


    I've heard so much BS from salesmen who SOUND like they're the owners of all the truth there is that I've learned to ignore all of them and just rely on my independent research and observations.


    just my 2 cents



  8. Thanks for the information Simon.




    It does seem that these features were included as an afterthought and

    they definitely (the 1/2 stop shutter speed AT LEAST) should have

    been included as standard.




    I have a question: you said that the new shutter speed (after you

    select it with the ISO lever) shows as a tiny number on the top LCD;

    but where?? Where the ISO indication used to be?




    And about the shutter release button: do you also have trouble

    metering a scene when the shutter is cocked because of

    oversensitivity? I never know when the shutter is going to fire

    because the shutter release button doesn't have a two-step resistance

    like the Nikon shutter release has, for example. You have to get a

    feel for it and it's easy to make mistakes. Any thoughts?




    best regards,


  9. Could anybody explain to me the point of having an eyepiece shutter

    on the AE prism II of the P67II to keep out "stray light" considering

    that you could be taking pictures without any prism and then you'd

    have all the "stray light" right on the mirror box? Are pictures with

    no prism on the camera inherently less contrasty because of this?

  10. For those who are contemplating Kodak's services, I just wanted to point out that in Photo.net's "neighbor to neighbor" service, EVERYONE HATED Kodak, even calling it Kodasux (Kodalux). People tended to like Dale and Sunset. Anybody here have experience with these two?
  11. Does anyone know of a good way to get a decent (i.e., non-pivoting)

    quick release on a Bogen 3262QR head (that's the medium ballhead)?

    Apparently Kirk makes some plates but many people don't seem to like

    them (quality and servicewise) and Really Right Stuff apparently only

    sells plates for Arca-Swiss heads, or you can get Arca-Swiss clamps.


    Putting a screw through this Bogen QR (to fit on the accessory hole

    of my P67) isn't an option as it isn't long enough. Any ideas ?




  12. I've looked at the posts for printing/processing and nobody seems to

    mention Kodak developing. I currently live in a town where the

    developing is terrible, so I need to resort to mail-order developing.

    I haven't tried it yet, though.


    Has anyone tried Kodak's mailers for 120 slide and print film? How

    about A&I mailers ? Any comments on which one's superior/inferior ?

    Philip Greenspun mentions these but there are no comments on C-41

    processing w/ machine prints at Kodak (which they apparently do with

    the mailer).


    Any comments would be greatly appreciated.



  13. Dan,


    If you're talking about the P67II, it does that--an incredible "ping" noise after the mirror comes down. I never heard the old camera, but the new one sure does it.


    >if you put your ear right up to the back of the camera ( behind the >shutter ) and trip the shutter ( any speed ), do you get a metallic >"ping" or vibration noise after exposure ?....

  14. Hi everyone,




    I would like to know if anyone who has a Pentax 67II has tried a linear polarizer on the camera and come up with good results.




    I'm asking this because I e-mailed Pentax twice about this and they told me linear polarizers are okay. But another P67II user, Tapas, told me that a linear polarizer will screw up the built-in spot metering. And the P67II manual (which has MANY typos) also says that a circular polarizer is necessary, without going into the reasons.




    Does anyone have a definite answer on the subject, i.e., has anyone tried both types of polarizers ?






  15. Hi everyone,




    Just thought I'd let you know: if you've been shopping for a P67II but haven't had luck (like me, since no stores have it in stock) call Adorama. They just received (apparently) 2 items. Now there's only one, I bought the other one!!!






  16. Can anybody who has one or both of these lenses comment on the pros

    and cons, sharpness, capability for portraiture, and on the LS

    version if possible; I am considering one for purchase soon. The LS

    is obviously more desirable for portraiture--but does it have any

    optical tradeoff?

    Any comments will be very much appreciated.


  17. I was just wondering if anyone had any tips on how to take massive

    amounts of film on an international flight. Now that many airports

    are installing high-dose X-Ray for checked luggage, checking in the

    film is out of the question. What could be the best solution ? Asking

    for a visual check at X-Ray stops, using huge lead bags...?

  18. Does anyone know the magnification ratio that the P67 135mm Macro

    lens has? I have the impression that this is not a very good lens for

    macro work (it only focuses down to 0.75m/2.5ft); a 90mm or 105mm

    lens with an extension tube set might do a better job.


    Speaking of which: does anyone know what are the sizes of the

    extension tubes available for the P67 ? Also, what is the difference

    between the Auto Extension Tube Set, the Extension Tube Set A, and

    the Helicoid Extension Tube ?


    Thanks in advance,


  19. Hi Everyone,


    I don't have any experience buying MF equipment, so I rely on you to

    tell me. Is it probable that the new Pentax 67 II's price will drop

    dramatically as the stocked up old 67's get bought away ? After all,

    the 67 II has a MSRP of only about $30 more than the old 67, but

    sells for $600 more. Any thoughts ?


    Thanks for the input,


  20. Hi everyone,




    It seems that the Pentax 67 is a great camera indeed and I'm targeting

    one for myself as well.




    But I have a question regarding the lens.. A lot of people out there

    seem to have the 55 f/4 and there are very few mentions of the 45 f/4.

    Is the 55mm much sharper, and the 45mm a lousy performer ? I don't

    understand the clear preference people hold for the 55mm..






  21. Hello everyone,




    I would like to know if anyone could give me some names of

    professional photographers who use the Pentax 67 in their work and who

    have published books showing it (in any category, i.e., outdoor,

    commercial, etc.). I'm new to MF and I want to see how other people

    use the equipment I'll soon be using.




    Thanks a lot for the help,





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