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jacques c pelletier

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Posts posted by jacques c pelletier

  1. <p>Hi to all!<br /> I have not posted here for a VERY long time but I can assure you that I visit the forum on a daily basis.</p>

    <p>I have read through a few threads here and elsewhere regarding a system which:<br /> will help me organize and archive litterally tens of thousands of photos taken over the past three years and stored on external hard disk drives.<br /> I am now totally confused as there are dozens of good-great-excellent software suggestions, one always claiming to be better than "the others".<br /> Some are free (ex.: Picassa for instance), most are for sale from a few dollars to a few hundreds of dollars!<br>

    My very inefficient storage and "archiving" set up at the present time is:<br /> 2 external HDD's of 1 TB each in which I have hundreds of "named" folders containing "named" photos. There are no keywords or "ratings" attached to the image.<br>

    I have RAW (DNG) and JPEG files, so it would be nice to be able to visualize the RAW images as thumbnails as well as the JPEG's.<br>

    The problem is when I want to search for a particular image, it takes forever, of course. Especially when I am not sure on which external HDD the said photo is supposed to be.</p>

    <p>I am looking for a solution before this really gets out of hand ...<br /> Any suggestion would be much, much appreciated.</p>

    <p>Thanking you all in advance,</p>


    <p> </p>

  2. <p>Thanks for the replies, people!<br>

    Well, looks as if I will have to bite the bullet, doesn't it?<br>

    The pics are certainly not what you'd call perfection nor great works of art but the answers I am getting do confirm my doubts about submitting anything in "contests".<br>

    Just in case I decide to still "use" any of them for my own use (not selling or publishing), and I most likely will, I still have all of my original DNG's. Let's see if they find out what they'll do.<br>

    Cheers to all.</p>


  3. <p>First let me state that I am Canadian, so answers to my question(s) might vary a lot.</p>

    <p>When you submit a photo for a contest, and the "organization" states that <strong>"All entries become the property of the ... (the said organization)"</strong><br />Nothing else mentioned, just that.<br />Does that equate handing over <strong>all</strong> your rights (copyrights) of that photo?</p>



    <p> </p>

  4. <p>darelo xavier :</p>

    <p>So, I take it that this flash business is also present during auto (flash) mode?<br>

    I wish this would finally be answered by Pentax in an expedient manner. Let's face it, the K5 doesn't come cheap, and it is a great camera, and for those using flash regularly, it is a rather annoying issue.</p>

    <p>JP </p>

  5. <p>Justin:</p>

    <p>You say: <br>

    "One last thing, and something I think could be an issue. I noticed that my K-7 <strong>images were amazingly soft at 1/50th </strong>of a second in the exact same conditions I shot my K10D on in a prior shoot at 1/40th of a second. Now that I think about it, I was using flash in the 1/50th of a second and no flash in the 1/40th of a second shots. I was thinking it was an issue with the light sensor on the K-7 under flourescent lighting, but now, based on your comments, I fear it was to do with the flash. Again external flash as you noted. I was using Pentax OEM (DA Limited and DA* glass, the best of the best)."</p>

    <p>If I am not mistaken, wasn't there some discussion, on another forum, about "<strong>shutter induced blur</strong>", both with the K7 and now the K5? However, there might not have been any tests done at that shutter speed and the use of a flash.<br>


    <p> </p>

  6. <p>Kevin,<br>

    I am quoting you : "<em>Having followed the camera's discussion in several forums, it appears that the P-TTL bounce flash issue is fairly common, but not universal and that Pentax is looking into it</em>." and I wonder how much Pentax is doing about trying to resolve the flash issue.<br>

    If you have any hard evidence that Pentax is indeed taking care of business, please let us know.</p>



  7. <p>Kari,</p>

    <p>I've just browsed the DPR link you posted.<br>

    I don't know what to say about this forum discussion on the K5 AF but if indeed you are experiencing continuous problems with the K5 AF while most owners do not, it would probably be a good idea to at least contact a Pentax rep and perhaps consider having your K5 looked after?<br>

    Best of luck with this and please report back to tell us what the story is at the end of the day.<br>





    <p>Hi Darell.<br>

    I am glad to read that you have no such flash issue with your K5. I think you use a much different "technique" for flash use than those reported by other folks on a different forum.<br>

    What seems to be the "beast" for them is only the use of P-TTL with bounce flash. Those using manual and /or Auto flash, mounted on the camera and not as a slave unit, do not experience this overexposure.<br>

    But why would bouncing the flash actually cause so much overexposure? Can't the camera-flash (especially with the AF540fgz) be able to adjust accordingly?<br>

    This also seems to be a fact with my K7, P-TTl does some weird tricks I find, and my best flash shots are when taken with the camera in manual mode and the flash on Auto or Manual. Note that I am not very experienced with flash photography - just playing with it for the time being, trying all sorts of combinations and adjustments. I'll get it right, eventually!<br>

    Cheers for now.</p>




  9. <p>Hi Kari.<br>

    So you are saying that you need more sharpening with your images taken with the K5, and that would be an AF problem for you?<br>

    I don't think this would be enough to convince me of an hardware-related AF isseu though.<br>

    Don't get me wrong, but I have brwosed into so many threads and posts, especially as the relate to the flash, that I am becoming suspicious of both a firmware and hardware thing. Of course, I have not tested the K5 other than at a store for a few pics, and that was to test the high ISO, dynamic range and AF.C. My "tests" do not qualify as "proper tests" ... just a few pics taken at the store, inside, with no controlled variables.<br>

    For what they are worth (the tests), all went fine except that now I have come across lots of flash issues and now this: AF?<br>



  10. <p>Good morning!</p>

    <p>I haven't posted here for a very long time but I thought this would be a great thread to ask a couple of questions regarding the eventual purchase of the K5.<br>

    After much, much reading and viewing tons of images taken at high ISO, AF.C tests, dynamic range, etc ... I came to the conclusion that THIS is it! I actually "need" the improved AF and ISO for what I do most: wildlife and landscape.<br>

    However, I also indilge, so to speak, in portrait once in a while (family stuff mostly) and I am now reading on a couple of forums that there is a problem with the flash used at higher ISO than 100 and especially when it is bounced, causing aggravatingly overexposed images.<br>

    Because of that, I am still holding off on the K5, although I "almost" made a deal to buy one yesterday (great no-sales tax day).</p>

    <p>I also read that this is likely a firmware fix, but I am not totally convinced. In the back of my mind, it could well be a hardware issue.<br>

    Additionally, I am just going a couple of posts here only to find out that there could also be an issue with the AF?<br>

    This is a first for me; I have not heard/read of anything about an AF problem with the K5, no matter where I look/search.</p>

    <p>If anyone would like to give me some opinions or suggestions as to my decision to get the K5, it would be much appreciated.</p>

    <p>Cheers to all.</p>



  11. <p>Justin:<br>

    You said:<br>

    <em>Actually, to be fair, it's a <strong>PREVIEW</strong>.</em><br>

    <em>I might be old school, but IMO, you cannot review a product without using it for at least a few days, and ideally a few weeks.</em><br>

    <em>The K-5 is obviously just a minor refresh, therefore, perhaps a week with it is plenty, but 10 minutes with it certainly isn't enough.</em><br>

    I agree this is a PREVIEW and that we shouldn't be too excited ... yet.<br>

    The folks here:<br>

    <a href="http://www.pentaxforums.com/">http://www.pentaxforums.com/</a><br>

    (See the Home Page)<br>

    will be (probably doing that right now) conducting some real tests and convey the results.<br>

    One last thing: I wonder if this really is <strong>only</strong> a "minor refresh" (of the K7?) as you mention.</p>


  12. <p>Funny post Laurentiu! :)</p>

    <p>But wait, what you are hereby describing is already happening at full tilt in some other forums.<br>

    Now I wonder if this is going to be yet another "Let's bash Pentax" year?</p>


  13. <p><em> </em><br>

    Mis, you mentioned<em>:</em><br>

    <em>If the MSRP of the K-5 doesn't come down from the rumoured $1,600, Pentax is going to attract exactly ZERO new advanced shooters to the Pentax camp.</em><br>

    For what it's worth, I did a little search on a well known Canadian site regarding the pricing of the K5:<br>

    Henry's has it at <strong>Cdn$1599 </strong>w/an 18-55 WR lens, and this store usually is one of the priciest "in town".<br>

    I would guess that other stores will as usual beat Henry's price by at least $100, if not more. But, as I mention, it is a "guess".<br>

    When we compare that to the price of the D7000, in <strong>Canadian dollars </strong>, we have:<br>

    Henry's: <strong>$1599 </strong>w/18-105 WR lens<br>

    B & H : <strong>$1545 </strong>w/18-105 WR lens<br>

    Pretty close numbers, aren't they?<br>

    Now, is Pentax going to still attract serious shooters with that sort of pricing?<br>

    I don't want to speculate, just reporting the prices announced.</p>



  14. <p>Is it me or is this becoming yet another Pentax-complaining-board thread?<br>

    I mean, sure the new lens does not appeal to too many people, perhaps even no-one, but don't you think that the K-r will be a hit? And how about the rumours (yeah ... rumours only) the supposedly upcoming K5?<br>

    Anyway, time will tell once real test come out, from real users who, undoubtedly, will buy the K-r and the K5, when it's here.<br>

    For me, what really matters is a better AF system and noise handling capabilities.<br>

    Cheers for now.</p>


  15. <p>Mike (Earussi):</p>

    <p>I realize you are quoting Falk Lumo's tests here but I certainly do not agree with the statement reading`</p>

    <p>"Even though the KX's body is not as advanced as the K-7 it's sensor produces a much higher quality image than the K-7 because of it's lack of a strong (or no) AA filter"<br>


    I have been using both the K20D and the K7 for quite some time now and I certainly do not find that the K7 rendering is of lesser quality to that of the Kx, which I have also tried a few times.<br>

    Granted, the Kx does handle high ISO (noise) perhaps better, but then again, the K7 overall gives me much better results than the K20D.<br>

    Anyway, this would become another (and already discussed) thread.<br>

    The opening post specifies doing most of his photography using low ISO ... well, I would be surprised to see what other Pentax camera can beat the K7 in that department.<br>


  16. <p>Justin:<br>

    I just did update to that new version and, I admit, was pleased to see:<br>

    1. The electronic level is there even when in M mode; not that I used that a lot but at least it is there if you need it.<br>

    2. Nice, large electronic level display in the rear monitor.<br>

    3. AF better in LV; again, I have seldom this mode, and the video, but I suppose it does track much better than expected. Nice touch with the shutter button half-way. I tested it in my very small, crammed and dark "office" and I was very surprised to see how well it performed. (using a DA*16-50 at f2.8, ISO 500 and 1/5s; handheld). Come to think about it and reviewing some pictures I just took: it seems that the pics taken in LV were actually a little more in focus than with the "regular" though the lens approach.<br>

    4. As for the "film reversal" option ... I am lost: where can this be found in the camera or is this something only with Pentax Utilities? What's the purpose of this anyway?<br>

    You mention this K7 firmware update being a trickle update from the 645D ... and you mention a 645Ds. I had no idea Pentax now had a 645Ds!?<br>

    Let us know how you fared with this update.</p>



  17. <p>Hi folks,</p>

    <p>I am not sure how this happened but now, since I started using the K7 in full manual mode, the only way I can see the metering indicator "bar" (from -5 to +5) is from the rear LCD screen. This is rather incommodating when you look in the viewfinder and that this "meter bar" is not there, instead, I have the "level" indicator.<br>

    What am I doing wrong?</p>



    <p> </p>

  18. <p>Christopher,</p>

    <p>Your opening post is much the same as I posted earlier on another forum (a Pentax forum, that is).<br>

    I was told:<br>

    1. Don't ever use two systems, or two different brands if you know what I mean.<br>

    2. Why go Nikon? (I also wanted to have this fabulous AF system and also the higher ISO handling.) ... just use good PP for noise issues, I was told!?<br>

    3. Consider Canon as well, someone else said ... their lenses are less expensive than those of Nikon.<br>

    4. Stick with Pentax and enjoy what you have ... some dude added to my queries.<br>

    and on and on ... I received all sorts of suggestions and advice.<br>

    Well, after much thinking, I decided to stick with Pentax, at least until they come out with a newer "version" of the K7; with a Sony CMOS sensor? God only knows. Of course, we'd like to see a Kx sensor in the K7.<br>

    Using two systems is also about expenses, I think. Would it be cheaper to stay with one brand only? Nikon and Canon lenses seem to sell for much more than those of Pentax. What's the trade off?<br>

    I was also told that carrying two different brand systems is not realistic! I think not. If you can afford it, why not? I don't have the budget for two systems ... I'd have to sell all of my Pentax gear in order to be able to switch and replace it with what? But if you do have the means to carry both Nikon/Canon and Pentax, that is your choice.<br>

    I have experienced shooting BIF's with my friend's D300s and I can say that I was rather impressed with the fast and accurate AF. Apart from that, I still think that my K7 does justice to my type of photography, which is nearly 90% wildlife. Sure, I'd also like more latitude with high ISO handling, but that's another story.<br>

    My ten cents.<br>




  19. <p>Shun:<br>

    Whether you don't like Pentax because it is now owned by Tokina - something I didn't know - is irrelevant to the matter at hand but I do see your point about the "limited upgrade path" in Pentax products.<br>

    And, because this subject has been much discussed, we shall not continue with this specific item.<br>

    On the other hand, I totally agree that while the D300s may be a decent camera, of course it would be much behind the likes of the D700, the D3 and the D3s. I started this thread to obtain information regrading this D300 (or D300s) and I think I have it all now.<br>

    Thanks a bunch for the time replying.</p>



  20. <p>Good afternoon everyone.</p>

    <p>I am looking for a tutorial for CS4, regarding the use of layers.<br />Specifically, on how to proceed with using several layers, how to make sure each layer is in the proper sequence, etc.<br />Example:<br />1. 1st layer is for lightening some shadows.<br />2. 2nd layer for sharpening<br />3. 3rd layer for cloning out unwanted parts of the picture ...<br />4. etc ...<br />I used the search feature of this site but could not find anything specific to my query.<br>

    Hoping I made this query precise enough for getting help.<br>




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