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Posts posted by renzz

  1. <p>I probably could. Usually I send my film to Dwaynes in batches of half a dozen or so with some Kodachrome as it was working out cheaper. Now that the AUD is down auound 63 or 64 U.S it has gotten quite expensive also. I do have a friend going to the U.S in a few months so I may have to wait for them or if I get to Melbourne or Sydney before then I can stock up.</p>
  2. <p>Does anyone know of a decent Australian shop that sells film either online or by mail order.<br>

    Today I went to pick up a couple of rolls of film that I had run out of. Venturing into the local "Camera House" store I was unable to get Velvia 50, only stock the 100 version. Then I thought I may give Ektar 100 a try so I head to the local Kodak shop.<br>

    Me: "Good morning, do you have any Ektar 100 film"<br>

    Sales Assistant: " I am sorry but we only sell Kodak Film"<br>

    Me: "It is a Kodak Film"<br>

    Sales Assistant: "Oh, I will check".<br>

    After a brief chat with someone in the back room she returns to inform me that they haven't heard of it and can't order it.<br>

    With the cost of processing a roll of 36 now around $18 now as well it is no wonder I shoot more digital.</p>



  3. I am off to Sydney in a few seeks to see the Socceroos play China in their World

    Cup Qualifier and wish to take my film gear rather than digital. Any suggestions

    on a film for use under stadium lighting. I am thinking of using Superia Xtra

    800 maybe pushed to 1000 (the highest setting on my camera). Also I was

    wandering what filter (if any) I should use to balance the film. Any advice or

    tips greatly appreciated.





  4. It's all getting too difficult. I have several film cameras (7 SLR's & 2 P&S) as

    well 3 digitals (2 DSLR's & 1 P&S) and find holidays and some outings

    troublesome. I worry whilst travelling with my DSLR's as they are in no way as

    robust as my old Pentax MG or even my Canon EOS 50. The wife gets agitated

    waiting for my lense changes, filter adjustments, iso and white balance fiddling

    etc. So, I think I will probably carry my MG with a 35 - 70 lense or my Pentax

    Espio 140.

    Now the question. Has anyone any experience with slide film in a P & S camera

    and what were the results?

    Typically I shoot with Kodachrome64,Elitechrome 400,Ektachrome E100GX,Velvia 50.

    For colour negative I use Reala 100 and Kodak Gold 100.


    Any advise, hints, tips or examples of images take greatly appreciated.





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