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Image Comments posted by the_knowles_gallery

  1. I appreciate the great comments and especially the helpful criticism. The only filter used for this image was a polarizer. Sometimes the lighting plays into your hand. It is possible that difference in lighting Harry, is the change in tree angle catching some reflection off of the lake. I did try adjusting the raw file some to give it some more detail and I lost a lot of contrast. It could be a matter of my Photoshop abilities. Thanks for stopping by. Charles

    Old School

    Jim, Way to control your converging lines. I like the composition and croping, I only wish there was a little more detail on the fromt of the school house. If it was painted with the morning sun? that would to cool. Charles
  2. Great Shot Won. I took one from the exact same place. If you go to my site you can see it. I really like the slow shutter speed. It gives the water that flowing feel and it adds a very intresting effect to the clouds. It looks like a spot of snow lower right, it adds a nice balance in relation to the almost black cloud upper left. Cool stuff. You make me want to go back. Charles
  3. Roberto, Great shot. Good contrast and the reflection is not too over powering. The image is a little centered for me. I am almost wanting to see a little more water. But great shot. You have some very nice mountains over there in Italy. Thanks for sharing it. Charles
  4. The textures in this shot are amazing. What is interesting is that the difference between colors other than the sky are very subtle, you get you contrast in the smooth foreground, gravely midground, is that a word, any way, and then the columns in the back ground. Very nice. Thanks for sharing Charles


    Boy, you got the lighting an color balance just right on this image to set the mood. I find it very pleasing to look at. If I could make one suggestion, it might be for a little less sky, not much maybe 10%. That may put even more focus on the main subject. I will remember this image next time I am in the fog with my camera. You managed it well. Thanks for sharing Charles
  5. I do like you framing of this image. I have been here myself and it can be a challenging location. Keeping the large cloud in the frame was a good choice. A little more detail in the clouds are good, but you need to keep some crisp whites to maintain you contrast balance. Did you get one without the clouds. This is also a stunning view the grand. Thanks for sharing this one. Make me want to leave work and go to Jackson. Charles


    There are several interesting aspects to your image. All of the different levels of motion are very intriguing. You lighting too. Although the street lights add an interesting element, to me, they are a little distracting.
  6. Good shot, however I like the bending of light with the wide angle lens. It give it a cool effect. I think I shot a wedding in this church many years ago, like 30. Lighting was a challenge, you obviously mastered that.

    Thank you for your comment on my image of Leslie gulch. It is near the painted hills or painted canyon in Oregon, about 15 miles south.

    Arches N.P.

    What a great shot. I have been here myself, but I did not get this angle. I am not even sure where the arch you shot through is at, I will have to look for it next time I am there. Your colors and composition are really great. Keep that shutter shuttering. Charles
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