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Posts posted by autismkid

  1. <p>It is sad that I have been living outside of my home country for so long, that I don't know how to get some things done back home. In Feb., I will go back home in Tianjin (the city next to Beijing), then go traveling in Yunnan province.<br>

    <br /> I want to minimize the trouble of taking film to pass security check. I wonder if anyone knows where I can buy and process BW films in Tianjin and Yunnan.<br>

    <br /> I have searched on some Chinese websites, and failed to get an answer. I am trying my luck here.<br>


  2. Elmo,

    I have the same peculiar feeling about that statement. Yet, I don't have the language skill

    to articulate this feeling. "Pretty" images and content shouldn't be mutually exclusive. One

    may not be able to achieve both at the same time, but it doesn't mean that one of them

    should be ignored.



    They are good photography. However I don't feel a strong message as a set. I am

    wondering maybe because there are too many images, and some of them don't belong to

    the set. For instance, the beer bottle. Also, I have mixed feeling about photos in which

    subjects are other people's arts. Sometimes, the relationship between the art and its

    viewers can be interesting when captured in a picture. But more often, the photo doesn't

    add anything to the art.


    My favorites are 1 and 3.

  3. My 2 cents as an non-expert.


    There are some portraits (14, 16, 18) in your San Juan essay that don't seem contribute much

    to the main subject of the whole set. Also I think we need more than cheerful smiles of

    children to convey the idea of "there is a sense of hope and joy that permeates the city".


    As the singles go, since this is journalism, some captions would help.

  4. Eugene,


    > One, how are you, then, saying above you're not sure SP is the kind of photography you

    want to do? -- SP is as full of stale air as film noir.


    Well, i guess that's where it shows my naiveness in photography.


    > Two, a composition and an allusion to simple life with an exclusion of contemporary

    elements (what you see in many of HCB's photos) does not a good photo make.


    I have to disagree. There really isn't a single clear definition of good photo. You can argue

    the same from opposite side. Why can't a photo be considered good just because it is

    visually pleasing. Of course you can say, then why don't you just go shoot landscape. Well,

    the difference is that, in some of HCB's work, such visual harmony is captured in our daily

    environment. If we go to the other extreme, a journalism style photo that contains plenty

    contemporary social context, but not any aesthetic merit, is hardly a good photo either. It

    just happens to be at the right place at the right time. And that's why I can't appreciate

    some of HCB's work.

  5. Xiao,

    > Probably you need to learn how to make your photography composition better.

    No doubt about that. But are you implying that I should take your class? :-)



    > Keep it simple...

    I hope it is that simple.



    > then they realize that a "pretty picture" is not enough to bring them any serious

    recognition. ... that SP does not and will not give them a ticket to the mainstream art

    establishment they hoped it would


    I am not trying to do arts for a living. But I think you are right. At first, mainstream

    photography (or at least my mainstream photography) start looking boring and too formularized. So I seek for fresh air in SP. But then I realized it is a completed type of

    visual art. Someone says HCB is one of the forefathers of the genre of SP. But seems to me

    his work is far different from today's SP. I guess I am just looking for something fresh yet

    aesthetic (in conventional sense).

  6. I started trying street photography several months ago, after I feel tired of landscape or still life (not I am

    any good at those). So I starting shooting on the street, and looking others' works. I spend a lot of time on

    in-public.com. There are several artists whose work I quite admire. Nils Jorgensen, Narelle Autio, to name

    a couple. There are also some work that I simply couldn't get. For the rest majority, I have this strange

    feeling that there is something missing. The same feeling bothers me all the time when I look at my own

    shots. For example, below is one of my favorites shots since I start shooting on street, and others like it

    too. But the more I look at it, the more I feel that it is not the kind of photography I want to do.


    <img src="http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2273/2225525964_3408dd2a0a_o.jpg"/><br>


    I am not sure exactly what is bothering me until I watched "The Impassioned Eye" a couple of days ago. I

    can't say that I appreciate all of HCB's work. But a large portion of his work has such an elegant fusion

    between fine arts and documentary. For example <a



    M=Image&SP=Album&IID=2S5RYDILGK_N&SAKL=T&SGBT=T&DT=Image">this one</a> and <a



    M=Image&SP=Album&IID=2S5RYDIPAPAP&SAKL=T&SGBT=T&DT=Image">this one</a>. That, I think, is

    what is missing in lots of street work we see today. What gets on my nerve most is the statement that, to

    do good street photography, you need to get close. No, that will make your photo bold, shocking,

    interesting, or maybe funny (like the one I posted). But that will not necessarily make it aesthetic, or make

    it a good piece of visual arts. If street photography and fine arts photography excludes each other (which I

    don't think is true), then I need to find my balance point.


    I am not good at writing, even in my mother tongue. But I feel that I need to put these thought into words,

    so I know clearly about the direction I am heading. Also I'd like to hear opinions from you guys. Please

    bear with me if this makes an awful reading.

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