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Image Comments posted by amypang

  1. Thanks for comments.


    Is natural light rays. Evening light shinning between the leaves, exemplified by the dust stir up by the goats and camel. The light rays in Mongolia 1, 2 and 3 are all natural, and the contrast is processed by level, curve in PS CS3. I understand that these ray can easily be created by PS, but hard to get in daily life. That's why readers will easily mistakened that these are arteficial, especially after contrast adjustment by PS.


    I'm not here to discuss the neverending topic of "definition and genuineness of photography", which differs from one to another and will only turn this page into a battlefield. But the ray is there when capturing the photo.


    In Mongolia, located in the very north of the equator, the light is always oblique, even in mid day. I choose to go there in autumn, when all the leaves turn yellow and he rays are even more oblique and soft. The land is dry and dusty. The sky is clear. There is only around 2 weeks each year to get this scene, Before, leaves are green, After, all falls down. So is relatively easy to get this scene when the rearer are herding the goats in the forest. In fact, movies like the "HERO" are shoot there during the autumn season.


    To me, photography is not only a pure luck or chance. is about hard work, tons and tons, good plannings, than wait for chances and luck to come, shoot at the decisive moment as interpreted by the author, then post processing..... and then..... the photos seen by the right perosn, the right places.... and u know what.


    May I introduce u to my another folder, the Huangzhou. Is taken in early spring when weather is misty, mood is gray, for those ancient watervillages.


    Wish I answer yr queries and thank you for bearing with me all these grunting.


    Regards Amy

    Mongolia 013


    Thanks you for revisiting and yr very constructive comment again. Are u talking about the one I circle in red and Can you explain to be why? Will try to alter it later. Appreciated.


    Mongolia 016


    About the lens, m using the 250mm reflect lens with fixed aperture at 5.6 (sorry make a mistake in last email!) and is a manual focus lens with no image stablizer. In fact, m using the same lens in the whole series in this folder. Hope u like it.


    Cheers, amy

    Mongolia 016




    Main theme: yellow leaves, in focus with shallow aperture 5.6 250mm tele lens


    Background: tree trunk converged and directed towards the yellow leaves in focus, coupled with the color patches of green and yellow in the background.


    Post processing: Just simple level, curve and color correction. No other PS processing, no layer mask or filtering.


    Wish I answer yr query.


    Like yr landscape folder too. The aging effects is great.


    Regards Amy


    Thanks for viewing and yr comments. Like yr portfolio as well. Will visit u from time to time.


    Equipment for that trip:


    Camera: Canon 5D and 20D, Lumix


    Lens: Canon 16-35mm 2.8, Canon 24-105mm 4, Canon 70-200mm 2.8, Canon 15mm fisheye, 250mm Minolta reflect lens, Canon 50mm macro


    Extensors: Canon 1.4x and 2x


    Assessories: Some filters, digital wallet, laptop, etc.



    Thanks for your visit and u are the 1st guest that I know personally to give me comments.


    I didn't know u been to Angkorwat. Is a nice shot with echos of the monuments/entrances at the far ends against the stature. Keep up.


    Regards, amy



    This is about leaving traces of what's been happening few moments ago.

    Footprints of camel, human in sand with sand lines and shallow evening light.

    Can you imagine the previous images in this portfolio or something else?

    See small and thing big?


    Please give me your thoughts.

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