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Posts posted by jay_moynihan

  1. Probably not. The f20 is around yet. The new F50 has to many megapixels check the reviews re low light performance. The other brands (at least in there non-dslr) do not match a handfull of fujis (out of production: f10, f30, f31. Still available: f20, s6000/6500, s9100/s9600) in low light/iso 400 and up.

    At iso 80-100 most of the brands are comparable as to IQ. I have a little Canon a570 IS that is really sweet at iso 80-100.

  2. The only Fuji "Super CCD" model that is pocket size, and still in current production and has good high iso performance is the F20.

    It has essentially the same sensor as the f30. Not many controls though.

    I got mine specifically for low light carry-around b&w.


    A sample picture at iso 1600(with significant PP) shot at literally "3 candle power", is the one called "Betty" on this page:



  3. I started imaging in digital just a few years ago, after film work in a number of formats for decades. I will get a dslr when i can afford to do so, ( being a tad picky about glass...:)

    Anyway, I have been using two bridge cameras, the Fuji finepix s9100 and s6000fd. The first has more features, the second better image quality at iso 400-800. Both have full manual, though it is easier to use it on the 9100. Both have manual ring 28-300mm zooms. That last item is really nice for old timers like me. the 9100 even has a mechanical cable release.


    Niether have IS, both do RAW etc. If you check the reviews on this site and others, you will see that on image quality they are the top game in town, short of a dslr with good glass.

  4. I have both (the s6000fd and s9100).


    I results from the s6000fd seem better to me, image quality-wise. It's performance up through ISO 800 is superior also.

    It lacks the wheel or dial control and the positionable LCD of the of the s9100. It also takes XD, whereas the s9100 has xd and cf slots.


    I primarily use the s9100 for landscapes, in Raw mode.

    I use the s6000fd for everything else and travel, usually in jpeg, sometimes Raw.

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