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Posts posted by paul_white11

  1. I have been a professional photographer for 56 years, having begun with sheet film and flashbulbs right up to the present using the latest digital cameras.. I have done my own film processing and printing, black and white and color. I tried for years to duplicate this process but to no avail. I tried forming the still-wet print in the convex glass, steaming the print and every other way I could imagine. The problem is that the print always wrinkles at the curves. I suspect that originally the cardboard was bought pre-formed and the photographers of yesteryear painted the emulsion on the cardboard, exposed and developed it. If anyone has found a way to do it otherwise I would love to know about it.

  2. Don't bother trying to contact a higher-up at Art Leather, unless you enjoy being treated like cow dung. As long as Mark Roberts is the president of Art Leather it will never change. I used Art Leather exclusively for 37 years, but they finally screwed me one too many times and basically told me I should just like it. If you want to see how an album company SHOULD be (and like Art Leather WAS in its hey-day) then try Graphi Studio. Their albums are made in, and shipped from Italy - yet I get them in 1/4 the time Art Leather takes and they are breath-taking. Never had a quality control problem with them either. When a bride sees these albums she can't get her purse open fast enough.
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