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Everything posted by picpocket

  1. <p>Andrew, you are clearly speaking for more than yourself when you say "how people now perceive your writing ...". Will you agree that is way too generic statement attributed to a crowd which you may have no clear way of knowing the correctness of. still you don't hesitate to throw it out there. Perhaps you meant "some touchy people who have low tolerance on grammatical mistakes or common usage language deviations"?<br> <br> Having said that, raw is correct usage - i stick to that. RAW is widely prevalent usage though, and with camera makers using it themselves, i (applies to me only) would just stop short of perceiving them as anything lower than my intellect in this field. <br> <br> It was all nice till the point when Mark was made aware of the folly, and he explained he understood but gave his reasons on why he may continue using it. I think the message was conveyed and choices made then. Everything after that was just ego brunch IMO. Someone once said - what's in a name - and people love that notion, or they don't. If we are going to debate it still after hundreds of years, so be it </p>
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