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chip phillips

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Image Comments posted by chip phillips

  1. Thanks very much for the comments everyone!

    Nancy-It is a hill. If you look at the upper right corner, the trees tilt the other way. Also, the flowers on the right slant slightly to the right, so I am not getting the same feeling as you on this one. I shot this field from many different angles and liked this one the best. I felt that the round hilltop and slightly tilted trees added some interest, as opposed to the takes with a straight horizon and straight trees . Not for everyone I know, but personally it is one of my favorites-I have never before seen such a prisitine field of wildflowers.

  2. You have some nice light here, and I really like the rays coming out of the clouds. One thing that catches my eye a bit is the fact that the clouds in the hdr didn't quite line up correctly. I don't do hdrs myself, but I know this is a problem with them when you have clouds. It also looks as if there are some spots in the sky....
  3. Thanks very much for your comments!! I am kind of surprised by the ratings this time around. Lots of 4's and 5's?? My last post of this image, distracting elements in tact, brought in mostly 7's.....Maybe I should have left it. I like this rework better personally, and this is one of my favorite images. Hmm....Am I missing something here?

    Into The Lilies

    Well done Lalit! I love the lighting and that field of flowers looks endless. Thanks for your opinion on my Tipsoo Lake image. It looked ok on black, but I think I agree with you.

    Copper Reflections

    Beautiful, as I have said before. I just love the combination of green and orange, and of course all of the other obvious factors that make this a real joy to look at.
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