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Posts posted by josephmolieri

  1. <p>One thing I'd recommend to keep in mind is if you are going to be using equipment or lenses that you aren't familiar with try to use them for a bit before the wedding so you can learn all the little nuances as well as what to expect and how to respond if you run into any issues while shooting.<br>

    It's way better to be confused about why a flash is doing something before there is any pressure to get the shot! :)</p>

  2. <p>HHm. I was interested in how others have found the AF the system for their uses. It seemed to me so many people were migrating to the 5d MK II's that I saw it as this magic camera. <br>

    I like the FF but all the things I loved about the 1D series I think is what I"ll need to stick to if I don't want to compromise. <br>

    I suppose John Tran said it best.<br>

    I just hadn't heard any complaints from anyone that I knew and everyone seemed to be getting one. I think I'll need to spend some more time with it to really evaluate it for my needs.</p>

    <p>Thanks everyone!</p>

  3. <p>I've shot on the 1D MK II N, 7D and the 50D mostly. I recently sold my 1d MK IIN and am starting to really regret it. It's old technology in alot of areas however I've been shooting a little with the 5D MK II because I was assuming it would be the next body for me to get. But after shooting some stuff with it I've been very unhappy with the focusing system. I'm happy enough with the 50D and 7D. <br>

    But the 5D MKII just seems borderline unacceptable to me. Especially related to journalism and action type stuff. Is this a known weakness of this camera or do I just need to better the learn the AF system on it?<br>

    I want the quality and new technology but I'm really wishing for the AF system the 1D had. I feel like there is no camera body that has what I'm looking for right now other than the 1D MKIV which is just out of the question. I want a killer AF system with all the new goodies like the video and other stuff. Any advice?</p>

  4. <p>Well I just finished adding a sync port to my 580ex. I ran into more than 1 problem while doing it but I took pics and did a little write up! So perhaps someone can learn from my mistakes and avoid the same problems. The final product works like a charm despite having drilled 1 extra hole. DOAH! Here's the link to my write up:<br>

    <a href="http://josephmolieri.com/wordpress/?p=137">http://josephmolieri.com/wordpress/?p=137</a></p>

    <p><img src="http://josephmolieri.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2010/08/IMG_4901.jpg" alt="" width="600" height="401" /></p>

  5. <p>By 5D do you mean the MK II? You can get the 5D MKI for a little more than the 50D. My suggestion would be spend less on a body and more on glass. Lenses hold their value much longer and are generally a better investment. Especially starting out I think you'd be fine with the 50D. Once you start getting more gigs then go for some bigger better stuff. </p>

    <p>- Joseph Molieri</p>

  6. <p>Overall the images work well. There is a sense of continuity through out the images. There were one or two that seemed quite a bit weaker conceptually. The one that I would've cut is of the woman on the bar stool it just had a really "snap shot" feel versus the more subtle turmoil and poignancy the others had. Not sure about the watermelon one either. At the end of it I did enjoy it and it left me wanting to see more. Good job!</p>
  7. don't worry about the portfolio stuff. You will need to be ready to try other mediums once you go to UARTS but as far as acceptance goes I applied to the video department and had other stuff in my portfolio and when I came in for the review the guy didn't even look at it. So I'd say have something else in your portfolio, even digital illustration or something but it will be looked at by the photo faculty so it dosn't need to be great.
  8. I go to University of the Arts and could def give you the low down on the school, the good and the bad. So ask away. In general, from my experience U arts is EXTREMELY Fine Arts oriented, they do accept and *may* encourage other work but nearly all the teachers are personally fine art photographers. There is also a balance of traditional and digital at the school which is nice.
  9. Its interesting everyone thinks this was a "dumb" thing to do. Wild animals are continuously used in the media, for movies and advertisement.Time and time again "tamed" wild animals attack, I don't see it as a matter of just respect the animal and everything will be fine. It is a good starting point but not a sure solution, respect the animal by understanding the possibility of it attacking. It is only stupid if they do not accept that possibility. After that it is about all involved understanding and accepting the risk in hopes of a great shot.
  10. Thanks everyone! Ralph, the straightforward feedback is awesome. Thank you for taking the time to look through and respond. A second eye is good, a lot of things you pointed out I had never noticed before.


    I should have taken the Dominican gallery off. I don't mind the feedback on it but I'm looking to work on the portfolio that I'd be submitting around, which is the other one.

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