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Image Comments posted by wp

    The Best of Times

    Thanks for the comment for it lead me to these great images of yours. I like the hard contrast coming from the two little boys. Really adds to the magic of being a kid. This is a powerful and surreal catch. I can smell the ocean from here.


    wow man! Cant believe no1 has commented on some of these images. What a great find! Old/abandoned/strange right up my ally!! Very eerie/surreal/thought provoking image. Reminds me of the exorcist or something from saw. Excellent!



    Excellent composition and tones! I would love to know whats inside that tower on top of the mountain. Im really glad you left a comment which led me to view these.



    Kinda creepy and very strange. Your imagery is very surreal. Not everyone can take such a "simple" common thing like an over and bring it to life like this. Well done.



    Thanks for the words you left of my page. I really like this photograph. It makes a very surreal image. Very nice tones also.

    Take Care



    Great idea to include this little guy in the frame along with the massive waterfall in the background. Wish it was a little sharper tho its still a excellent image.



    Great composition here. IMHO i think its a little blurred and could use more shadow detail. Overall its a great image tho. Thanks for taking the time to leave comments on mine.

    Take Care


  1. No not as many as this guy. He likes Flickr. He enjoys the pools and stuff that site offers and it seems more laidback than this site. Im kinda bouncing around. Flickr is my online storage for my own viewing conveniace. My stuff doesnt get looked at much on either site. Its two differnt mediums of photography i guess, hard to explain. HDR annoys me bad with seems to be the flickr fad and here its mostly photoshoped images/creations. More like graphic designs not just photos. I just dont fit in. boohoo.. My dad really loves your work Tim. As do I. Good to hear from you again.
  2. How have you been Tim. Its been awhile.

    I have lots of tattoos and I like dolphins and butterflies.. You only get to live in your skin once, so enjoy it while your in it is my way of looking at it. Also I dont look at my ink as art, its more of a representation of something with meaning to me. Like protectors/Guardians/life altering experiances/etc.



    P.S. that makes and scene


    was suppost to be "makes any since" I was trying not to look illiterate by using the this built in word spelling checker and i got burnt!



    Ive always wanted to say something about this image but never knew it was in your portfolio(saw it as your default image or whatever) Anyway I really like this capture of this man sitting here have a few brews and reading the paper probably just enjoying his Saturday. It reminds me of my grandpa. To me what makes a great image is the soul and mood the image holds. Not as much as technique and perfection. I guess this is why I was never really impressed with Ansel Adams. Yea he had great tones and was a perfectionist though his images were not usually of a interesting subject matter to me and had no soul. Its kinda like a Stevie Ray Vaughn vrs Eddie Van Hallen. Both are good but are 2 completely different. Stevie Ray just plays from the heart and you can feel/hear that in his music. Eddie is good, but there's no soul man. Not sure if that makes and scene but anyways. Good Shot~!

    Take Care


  3. Im glad I stumbled accross your work to see something for once on here that I can relate to. Something captured, not rendered and eye candy fluff like the mass on here. You have a great eye and technique. The road works well here along with this bolder. Give the image great balance. The clouds seem to be trying to take over yet this bolder holds his ground.



    You have some incredible images. They are right up my ally. Excellent mood here again and excellent tonality. I love the feeling of abandment and the surrealness of this. Well done.
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