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Posts posted by matthew_graff

  1. Hello,


    I need to set up a quasi studio at a luxury automotive shop.


    I have a budget of only about 2k and I would love to set up a large softbox with three studio lights for the

    sides and front.


    I need to know if you know of a quality but cheap way for creating a 10' x 8' light box.


    Can I just use a series of florescent lights and hang a sheet of diffusion cloth about 2 feet away from it?


    What do you guys thing would be the best way to do this.




  2. Lol Chris, I love the photo!


    Ansel Adams was definatly a bad ass.


    Thank you Micheal for the info!


    I will look into a Toho and I was looking at http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&ih=008&category=15247&_trkparms=algo%3DLVI%26its%3DK%252BD%26otn%3D3%26ps%3D5&viewitem=&item=180275959650&_trksid=p4506.m7 what do you think of that setup?


    Now to lenses :-), what brands do you think are the clearest/sharpest, I have spent over 6k a lens for my Canon systems but I am not ready for that yet.

  3. Great ideas guys, I do not want it for Real Estate and am sorry if I gave that impression.


    I just wanted to know if a 4x5 6x9 or 8x10 would produce a tack sharp 8' x 6' print.


    I plan on using it for landscape photography, not wildlife or real estate.


    I like the rail systems on those cameras but am concerned about carrying it around, although I have hiked mountains and shot with the GX680 and that seems cumbersome to me.


    I really like the Linhof 4x5 Master Technika 3000, but its way out of my price range, I am also a fan of the 4x5 Technikardan 45s, once again out of my price range.


    I would love a camera that I could pack with me, hike to a location and wait for the light to be right and hope I got the exposure correct :-)


    Kind of funny, have you seen this:


  4. Hello,


    I am a 'professional shooter' for real estate and I would like to expand my knowledge and camera systems.


    I absolutely love huge photos, I would like to shoot some photos that can be blown up big and crisp, like 8' x 6'


    I have a GX680, 5D, 40D, 1Ds Mark II and I would like to get a large format camera that would do the job for the

    huge prints.


    Could you please shoot me in the right direction, I would really like to keep it under $2k to start but want a

    quality system that I can add to as my knowledge grows.


    I will be traveling and hiking with this rig to shoot nature.


    Thank you for your time,

    Matthew Graff

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