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linda guerra

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Posts posted by linda guerra

  1. I love your look; I think the WPJA will too, but I've heard of other really awesome photogs not getting in because of too many posed pics...I am not sure if you really have that issue and/or if it will get you nixed or not, but just go through with a picky eye, and remove most of the posed shots if that is what you want, also I know that only a certain percentage can be of a certain theme, for example the detail shots of cake, flowers, shoes, etc. because they really want you to be like a journalist, observe and document, not direct and orchestrate, but you already know that :o) ...Good luck, I'm rootin' for ya! All the best to you in the New Year!!


  2. Hi All,

    I did a search for a question like this but did not hit paydirt. Hope it's not

    already been asked. I am attending Imaging USA in Tampa this weekend. This is

    my first time there and I wanted some traveling tips for attending, for

    example, do you take camera equipment, or are you so busy listening to lectures

    there's no time for shooting (I have no idea what to really expect as I have

    only attended one local conference). If you do take gear, what is your

    preferred method of transport, carry-on or cross your fingers and check it in

    (and make sure your insurance policy is up to date)?? Obviously, I know I am

    going to lectures, so I will take stuff to take notes with; I just wanted to

    know about gear (take it or leave it) and if any of you have any other insider

    tips you can pass along, you have my advance thanks. Hope to meet some of you



    Happy New Year,


  3. I too, like your site and your work quite a lot. You definitely are not a "new fish" and if you had said it, I'd know you were lying through your teeth! If I may ask, how long have you been shooting? You are better than a lot I've seen trying to peddle their wares. I really appreciated the lack of typographical errors as well, as I am quite the grammar cop! You're in for a great year in 2008, keep up the great work. You've earned yourself a fan here. I agree with David about couples ordering what they connected to emotionally instead of what you, the artist, would have preferred for yourself. Best, Linda
  4. Hi again George,

    I had another look at your site and I would say that it is still just as bad as before. All those moving pictures...ooohhh make them STOP!!! The color, well I can't say anything but "Yuck". Besides that, another very annoying feature is the line that follows your cursor everywhere on the page. I know you said you're going with a Blu Site...I have one, and I have to say, in the beginning, it is really hard to get some good customer service, but if you can stick it out, they are really good looking. Another really good choice (I may go with them next year) is BigFolio. Really nice sites, a little more $$$. To Mark, I don't think George ever said that Mike was out of line. But I do agree...we are photographers and we try to explain why Brides should go with a professional, because they will get what they pay for...why shouldn't that apply to us in the web design arena? Let the pros do what they do best. :o) Best to you in 2008.

  5. Ok, I went around and found your URL, I looked at your site and well...you wanted honesty. Your fonts are very hard to read...your logo is almost impossible to discern. When you click on the pricing info, it is completely eyeball-achingly painful to read. The moving pictures are WAY distracting...the music is {SNORE} boring. The puke green of the background is not pretty (to me). I really did try to find some redeeming qualities, but nope, not shakin', leastwise not for me, my friend :o) NOTHING at all like a Blu Site...Now, I hope you know that this was an honest critique and in no way did I attempt a personal attack...take what you will, go forth and be happy!!
  6. Thanks for the responses, guys. It just puzzled me as to why they would all of a sudden start popping. As I said in 1st post, I used PW to trigger. I did indeed purchase as part of Strobist Pro kit from Midwest. I wrote them to tell them of my problem as they are hardly six months old. We will see what happens.


  7. OK so I have these two Vivitar flashes that I mount on Bogen lightstands with

    umbrella brackets and trigger with pocket wizards a la Strobist...I went to do

    a portrait and I hear this really loud <POP>, twice, and a bad smell ensues,

    this happened to both flashes, one no longer works (will no longer fire, but

    does show a ready lite) and one does (but did make a weird pop the last time I

    tried it) They have never behaved this way before and to have this crop up

    with both of them today was beyond my scope of knowledge. Does anyone know

    what happened and what the fix is (I know I probably need to buy new

    flashes)...but I would like to know what happened so I can avoid that in the

    future, if indeed there was something I did wrong.



  8. I simply posed the question because you took such offense when others offered you exactly what you asked for...valuable criticism. Then to believe that not everyone has the eye (you're right, they don't) it should stand to reason that if your pics don't cut the mustard then people are going to tell you. If your pics have bad posing, bad lighting, bad comp, AND they're OOF...give me a break! I was just trying to open you up to the possibility that they were trying to HELP you, not just knock you for the sake of knocking. The truth IS helpful...and the truth is those pics were all the things they said they were. Best to you.
  9. Hi Gerry! Unfortunately we have become a society of hand-holding, only make me feel good, everybody gets a trophy, crybabies! I am a I am only 33, so I would offer it has more to do with common sense than generation (there are many of my peers who feel as I do). I have nine children (six homegrown and three storebought!)and I am hopefully teaching them that life brings you what you put in. But I don't think Kimberley really understood what she got into here!

    We've come off topic and I shall steer it back...

    Kimberley, if you're still reading this take a look at what you yourself posted on your own profile. You said you believe"you either have an eye for photography or you don't"...does that mean as long as its not pointed at you? Come now, let's be fair.

  10. Kimberley,

    A little about criticism...as others have pointed out, it will help only if it is honest. Do you really want us to tell you "wow that's awesome!" when it clearly isn't? You said you are your own worst critic...I will take exception to that only because as a beginner (your work tells me you are) you don't know what to be critical about yet, so you can't be your own worst critic, YET. If you have thin skin and want to hang yourself simply because you got some valuable criticism, I suggest you don't come to PNet; there's plenty of folks on My Space who won't mind badly composed, OOF images at all and they will tell you all is wonderful. BUT if you want to grow, more than you ever have, and hear from GREAT photogs who also make great livings doing this, then stick around and really listen to them. After all, they could be charging for their valuable experience, but you can gain it and more for free if you will just not take it personally and instead heed their words to become better than you are now. PNet is a place for those who want honest criticism, not ego stroking. :o)

  11. You asked for opinions and I am willing to offer you mine, but know that I am honest and will tell you what I think but I don't want you to think that I am trying to hurt your feelings, I am simply giving what you asked for: my opinion. Your site looks very "MySpacey" and not at all professional. Specific things I did not care for on your site: The info about you (Your personal statement) in the first page was just plain silly sometimes...it screams amateur before we even see your work. It rambles on about at least 5 different topics and Potential customers don't need to know that you "haven't found your niche". Also, you jump around from talking about children, then nature photography, then modeling. Sounds very "Jack of all Trades, Master of None" to me. You also contradicted yourself by saying you don't like editing in Photoshop yet you "play around a bit". Not what I would say to a client. Overall it is too wordy and doesn't add anything of value. The added effects around your pictures were bad and just completely detract from the ability to see the actual work. (Very MySpace!) The pictures moving across was very distracting as well. About the actual work, I think you have too many shots of the same pose, just different color and crop. You tend to use the same poses over and over. Many of your pictures are soft or OOF (animals especially, which btw, I would not have on my wedding site). Many shots have composition issues and you have people looking off in different directions or with less than desirable expressions. Toss OOF and blurries. I would say you should maybe offer to be a second shooter with a pro in your area who has a style you admire and learn as much as you can from him/her. This is a good way to learn a lot.

    Best to you.

  12. I looked at your gallery and I would say that they look kind of flat in the lighting. They don't have "POP". I am not sure what you're using and what may be contributing to it. Perhaps you need some some fill light in the right places. Also I would say, your composition is not always the best. You need to check your exposure, I think therein lies the problem. Maybe someone with a little more technical know-how could help. Sorry I wasn't more helpful as far as a solution, but I can just say what I noticed and that was the flat lighting. I hope someone can offer you a solution for next time, since this is a month after your shoot :o)
  13. I know that this is not a new post but I couldn't help responding. I must say equipment is NOT the only thing you lack. To have this thought is to not fully comprehend your role. You must get a handle on skills and technique WAY before you go hunting for equipment. A great photographer will be able to use a pinhole camera and get amazing results. I am going to be real with you. Your picture is a snapshot, an out of focus snapshot. The lighting wasn't all that great; the subjects get lost in poor composition. You need to look at some of the great photographers' work and try to copy their techniques. Study composition and also learn how to interact better with your subjects. They don't need to actually look into your lens for you to connect. This is intended as a help to you, not to hurt your feelings. I will not ever offer "mushy" critiques because I don't want anyone to do that to me...I want to improve too, and only the truth can do that for any of us... :o) Good Luck and Learn ON!
  14. @ Bob, I am playing grammar cop today, and even posts this old are fair game!! You said in the orig post "there was alot of light loss" you should have said "a lot". Those are two separate words. Later in the same post you said "from those whom care to respond"...ay ay ay!! Whom is only used when receiving the action. It should've been "who care to respond". From whom did you receive your grammar lessons?? :o) Please take all that I said with humor...understanding that I am bored right now and you are simply fodder to my grammar-correcting mind. Ha, ha, maybe wayne can clean your desk while I clean up your grammar! (The maid is gone by now, I am sure.)
  15. @ Bob D., this will not change anything, but thought you might want to know the saying is "without further ado" not "adieu". Adieu is French for goodbye. Ado is heightened fuss or concern, or time-wasting bother over trivial details.....as in "Without further ado, let us sign these contracts and take your deposit!"

    -Your truly,

    Self proclaimed grammar cop

  16. I do have a bludomain site and my experience was like this...I emailed them to get started like you're supposed to and I waited...and waited... and come to find out they had responded but it was in my spam folder, (others have mentioned this many times on the boards), well once it was set up I just kept having problems and it was almost a month before I was live!! All because they just couldn't fix the problems or respond to my emails in a timely fashion...I have decided when my sentence is over, I am jumping ship. Their prices are awesome, but their customer service is more like customer disservice. I sent them a lengthy email detailing my gripes and suggesting ways they could improve, and they NEVER even responded...not even to tell me to take a hike or we're sorry or anything! Not the way to keep customers happy, Bludomain!
  17. Ok, to be honest, you are not a professional. You dismissed the first person when they tried to help you. Telling someone "I adjusted the focus for dramatic effect" when its obviously a bad pic is well, juvenile and defensive. It is hard to hear criticism, but isn't that what you came for, honest critique? There are some amazing professional photographers on this board and they are freely giving of their time, if you can't take the heat, stay out of the kitchen. I haven't been able to see your portfolio yet either because of the same problems listed by others, but I would say judging from the one photo I do see, there is nothing outstanding. I agree with the poster who said to read, read, read, and study a lot, and shoot for some pros as a second. But don't call yourself a pro when you are clearly not. You may have a great personality, but your personality doesn't push the shutter button. Or compose your images. You need to learn your craft. You can't just wake up one day and decide you want to do this without investing in your own education and growth. You owe it to your clients to be the one in control of your gear and your talent.
  18. Leah, I don't want to sound bad or hurt your feelings. I just want to help you...

    I think you need to work on these things: defining your subject, keeping your subject in focus, choosing better CV, angles, also learn when a picture really doesn't look good and don't be afraid to dump it. Your white balance need some help too. My suggestion is always to go to the sites of those whose work you admire, and soak it in. I don't see the enthusiasm with which you speak of photography seeping into your images. Keep working. Find your photographic "voice". If you love this, its in there somewhere.


    Best, Linda

  19. I already posted a response but somehow it didn't post. I will try to recreate what I said. Thanks Bob, I agree that I need tutoring (mentoring) in lighting. Also, thanks to those who liked my shots. I didn't think they were bad, but I did think they needed some "pop". I will continue to explore lighting. I didn't get any critique on the family pics with the babies. Please comment on them too. They are later than the others and I had read up on some different stuff to do with them and want to know what you all think. Thank you very much for your input. Now I shall go and help somebody else, that's the way we all learn! :o)



  20. Hi PNet Friends,

    I would like to get some feedback on the latest work I have done. I had not

    ever used Flickr before and decided that this is the easiest way to post pics

    for critique. I need to look into getting a pro account. Anyway thanks for

    looking and for C&C.





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