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Image Comments posted by skyjammer

  1. A wonderful capture of innocence & beauty. Her eyes give her the appearance of been older than she probably is! Excellent details and great exposure.


    Thanks for your comments on one of my images last year.





    Orange Petals


    How are you, my friend? Hope all's well with you.


    I've been away from PN for an extended period, and I'm trying to get reinspired by visiting some of my favourite PN member sites.


    This is a beautiful, delicate shot. The translucency of the petals really jumps out at you. Excellent work!






  2. Salutation, brother. Been a while.


    I've been absent from PN for some time, and I'm trying get back into the thick of things from a posting perspective, by visiting some of my favourite PN member sites for some inspiration.


    The power & the glory indeed...AMEN.


    This is a blow-up candidate, if I ever saw one. Simply beautiful to look at. The tone treatment fits the composition & theme to a 'T'.


    Excellent work.





    Still Green


    I saw this one yesterday (4/16), but got distracted and forgot to comment.


    WOW indeed!! The colours are just so appealing to the eye. Tangerine orange, mustard yellow, and lime green. Nice & smooth. Love the shallow DOF. You're a master at this tree trunk and branch profile genre, IMHO. :-D


    Fall in full throttle.


    As you know, I've been away for some time, and I'm trying to get back to posting on PN. Thanks for the inspirations, Tony.





    Grandma's Hands




    I came across this image and just had to comment.


    This is such a powerful image, in my humble opinion. I know you took the shot, but it almost comes across as though your husband's great grandma's documenting a generational gathering. I really love your framing and composition here. Having the family in the background is the key for me. The DOF is perrfect. The family in the background is a little blurry, but still discernable.


    Very well executed. Great work.


    Best regards,





  3. Long time, my dear. Hope all's well with you and your family.


    I've been away from PN due to work and family constraints. I'm hoping to begin posting new images soon.


    Regarding this image, this duo-tone treatment is really befitting. It confers that 'old' feeling to the building. You can almost hear it creaking. Nicely done.


    Take care & best regards,



  4. Hey there, old friend.


    Been offline from PN for a while now due to family and work constarints. Have popped in every now and again to make the occasional comment post (such as this one) but haven't posted any new stuff recently.


    Hope all's well with you and your family.


    Best regards,



  5. How goes it, Mr. T?


    Both versions are nice, but from a fine art perspective, I must confess that I prefer the processed version. There's just something about the processed version. Can't quite put my finger on it, and that's why I prefer it.


    Thanks for commenting on my fireworks photos. I still haven't posted any fresh stuff, but I'm almost there.


    Congrats on the blog article and the recent publication of your work. Very well deserved. Don't forget us small folk when you hit the big time!


    Best regards,



    After the snow storm


    Hey there, brother.


    I've been away from PN for some time now. Will start to integrate back in slowly, as work and family obligations permit.


    Hope all's well with you. I really like the composition of this image. I think a portrait orientation really adds to the whole. Funny, I look at the image, and it makes me feel like I have a long distance to walk through snow. It's been snowing here in Maryland, so I guess I'm somewhat in tune with snow at the moment. As always, excellent work here, sir.


    I'll post up some images in the very near future. Do come take a look soon.


    All the best,





    "Sup, buddy? Been in and out of PN lately. Hope all's well with you. The new biography page pic cracked me up.


    I wasn't initlally able to make out what this composition was, and was glad to see your description. Looks great in B&W, but I'm intriuged as to how the color version would look.





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