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Posts posted by lex_photo

  1. Hi all.


    My friend introduced me to Lulu the other day and I was wondering if anyone had experience using

    them to publish their art work, not the photo books, but prints? I've read on some previous threads

    that the photo book printers aren't especially high quality, but has anyone used them for framed



    Thanks for any input


  2. I'd say just go for it. It's your opinion, and people seem pretty vocal here about telling

    you if they think your critique is off for one reason or another. I feel that I've learned

    just as much from the critiques on my critiques as I have from other people's critiques

    on my photos. If you want to practice giving critiques you are more then welcome to

    look at my photos :) (I'm always happy to get any advice at all) and I'm sure mine

    could use a lot of work. I hope this helps, I'm sure others will have more to say, and

    different opinions on the topic. - Lex

  3. Well, when your program is running for an extended period of time and you can't do

    anything until it finishes but you have to be at your computer... I go rate and comment.


    What if once a year people can nominate other members of PN whose comments were

    helpful, or who took the time to e-mail and really help you improve. I'm sure people will

    be nominated multiple times which would help decide the winner(s). The winner(s) could

    then be featured, get a years subscription to PN or something along those lines? Would

    this help with the voting? Nothings ever going to be completely fair and people are always

    going to try to cheat the system, but would something like this help?


    - Lex

  4. Bob I think your idea is fantastic. Is there a way that you could then also have the photos of

    the leaders displayed some where for extra exposure? I think the extra exposure would be

    one more incentive for people to try to raise their ratio.


    Maybe to help with the quality you could rate the raters, i.e. have a how helpful was this

    comment 1 - 5 button. Although this might be a lot of unnecessary work for the benefit.

    - Lex

  5. I think what Josh is saying is correct. If everyone who sent a photo for ratings and

    critiques gave out either anonymously or non- anonymously say 10 ratings and 5

    critiques, then in an ideal world being evenly distributed everyone would receive 10 ratings

    and 5 critiques for every photo. Even in a non ideal world, one would think that everyone

    would still see an increase in both.


    I tend to rate anonymously not to have those whom I rated to come and rate my photos,

    but because I see it as my responsibility to rate others since I'm asking for ratings myself. I

    don't want my "mates" to rate me highly, that will not help me improve, but I would still

    like ratings so that I have a general idea of how my photo was received.


    If everyone were to give a critique or rate a photo every other time they sent a photo to

    the critique form, then not every photo would receive a rate or critique. I recently had a

    photo which received no ratings (only 32 views) and I have had many photos which have

    received no critiques, and it sounds like I'm not the only one.


    It seems to me that limiting the number of photos you can ask for critiques on will not

    change the behavior of not giving ratings or critiques. I think either rewarding those who

    take the time to critique and rate would get a better, more helpful response.


    Just my opinion. - Lex

  6. Speaking as an ex skater, I don't like the new scoring system and prefer the previous.

    That's just me, I figure (hahaha Like figure skating... okay bad joke) that with photos here

    at PN, You're not going for a medal or a chance at winning a contest, so who cares if you

    take out the high and the low. In fact I have a few photos that would then have no ratings

    what so ever! I have to assume that the people who gave me the ratings felt that my photo

    deserved it and then step back and try to figure out why. I find it helps me remove myself

    emotionally from the photo and I can re examine it with new eyes. I will always agree that

    a critique helps more then the ratings, but the ratings are nice to have when no critiques

    are given. Just my two cents. - Lex

  7. Welcome to PN. Your rose photos are very nice and I'm sure will be a great addition to the

    flower section. There are some really great people on this site with lots of wonderful advice.

    Those that aren't you can ignore fairly easily and are some times good for a laugh. See you

    around - Lex

  8. I agree with Pat. The ratings that seem to get "lost" aren't true ratings any way, so be glad

    that they are gone. I also am not a member yet and as a poor starving grad student (like the

    starving artist but with more books and less social skills, see PhDcomics.com) I'm very

    thankful for the opportunity to be apart of this community. Although I don't always like the

    ratings that I receive, I find them to give at least some sort of feed back when I don't receive

    any critiques. Thank you Josh and all for all the time you put into this website.

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