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the mick

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Image Comments posted by the mick



    Very cute all around. Wish she wasn't so yellow skinned and wish the crop wasn't so tight but a keeper none the less. I did a 30 sec correction in PS. You can see my sloppiness on her arm but you get the point.



    A classic baseball shot, what's not to like? As for Barry, well...let's just say he's hard to like. Asterik for sure if he ever gets nailed.



    Matthew this is really a classic sports shot. I got too excited and worked it a little. Hope you are not offended. Just great...


    The After-Party

    Hi Ade. This is a nice setup and has real possibilities. The background is your problem. The pillows lying haphazardly on the hearth don't really add and do subtract from your composition. I don't think there is sufficient space to blur them out even at the widest aperture so why not take a minute to move them out of the way. Now, maybe work the scene a little by shooting high, low, wide and tight. How about lighting the fire and bringing your camera down a little to shoot the scene with the fire crackling in the background. Turn the lights down in the room, shoot with a low aperture (I think 3.5 for the lens you are using) and now you'll have a nice cozy scene. Just some random thoughts to stimulate you....and me, too!


    Hi Thomas. One of the things I struggle with myself is creativity in my photos. Usually when I get home and look at what I shot is when I get good ideas. So, if this was my photo I'd wish that I had been a little more daring in my composition. How about standing in the water yourself and having him throw the net towards you? Now you can get his facial expression and the net is coming right at the lens. Much more dynamic, no? I always get mad at myself when I shoot a scene just like the average Joe would shoot it and I think this might be one of those times. Also, the horizon is tilted. Easy fix in PS or if this was intentional, I think it should be tipped more for added drama. Just some thoughts, don't take it too seriously if you don't agree.



    Keith, you have a lot of good shots in here but you need to use Photoshop a little bit to bring out the depth of what you are trying to capture. Many think using PS to be a sin but I have found that by constantly improving your photos afterwards, it can help a lot when you are taking photos because you know what you want the final outcome to be. I tried a little editing on this so you can see altho having the original file to play with would be better. Anyway, keep up the good work.

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