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Image Comments posted by jpictures



    low contrast portraiture is good. you don't always have to go for the high contrast low skin tone look. especially for this picture a lot of tone and grain may work. would it be too much to ask for the original to be posted?


  1. I, at first, did not want to participate at rating the picture. I thought it was ok, not that spectacular, but ok. Watching the commentaries I wish to side with the photographer/photograph.


    As for the person who posted a commentary that included a link to a youtube video, I wish to advise you that although the elderly gentleman may be an extraordinary photographer, he possesses his own wisdom and vision in photography. Should every one bow down to him and agree? I don't think so. Photography is art and art needs variance to survive, otherwise we'd all enjoy Adolf's watercolors.


    Alex has his own vision, whether you agree with or not. The Elves believed his picture is worthy of debate. Just because his vision is not similar to the usual clique of photographer that is normally lauded does not mean that his picture is worthy of admiration.


    I believe this should be a highly rated picture. I hope all of you could indeed enjoy it for what it is just as I have. Relax and live a little. Just like the gentleman in he video stated, enjoy what you do. Be nice to one another since all of you have a common interest.



    Jim D M


    did you consider a slightly over exposed look? perhaps different focusing and a much wider apperture. this way you'd get rid of the sign in the back and the trees would be much less harsher.

    One Year Winter

    i like a picture that speaks, such as this one. i don't know where your environmental consciousness takes you, but i'd recommend trying this on film, ortho low ASA over exposed.



    I don't understand the contrast. Why so low? I know portraiture should be close proximity photography at low contrast to show skin tones, but I think this picture has to be a little bit more natural.


    The right RX

    either she needs to relax or he needs to become more formal. when it comes to that i believe they should be in step or at least in an arangement that allows two personalities. good job on the technical quality the picture.

    Sarah 11

    technically speaking, it is a well defined, well cropped image -- however your subject is lacking in expression and as far as what is behind the image quite vacant. the use of black and white photography in an artistic fashion 50 years after it has been technologically outdated is an effort on the side of the artist to enhance the strength of a certain message(by the way that is my personal belief and opinion). what do you think this portrait is supposed to convey?
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