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Posts posted by OPK

  1. <p>let me put some words....<br>

    I used to make pictures with D70s and D2Hs, D300 and D700.<br>

    the one and only visible difference was by harsh lightning conditions where I was able to shoot with higher ISO.<br>

    D2Hs with 4MPx made picture as good as D70 - maybe better in terms skin tone or overal color rednition. on printings up to A3 size was just tremendous. the most convenient was D300. now I shot with EOS 50D and looging forward D70s again as a second body.</p>

    <p>in a straight words - just grab best lenses and flashes on a market and be happy with yours D70. all new stuff is in most cases just a waste of money.<br>

    just as a hint - do you change your car every couple of years because there's a new one with better engine?</p>

  2. <p>Shun,</p>

    <p>I know that is a Nikon forum, but please don't do any missleading in tech specification. Look in white papers both companies and you'll see that 50D IS actually weathel sealed similiary to 1D. Eswarad was interessted in camera for travel photos, so construction is really an issue.</p>

  3. <p>as far as I know, D90 is not weather sealed.... lastly made a switch otherways - Nikon to Canon. weight and price was a main reason. did you thought on 50D? for me is a better construction than D90, similary priced and, what could be important for you, is well sealed.</p>
  4. <p>...another good point in debate. If you are satisfied with IQ then go for some more accurate lenses - that's it.<br>

    I made a long way through Nikon equipment beginning with D70s. after several years I can frankly tell, that was really great body. there wasn't any special reason to change this camera. Just need tried something new/better. I worked on D2Hs, D300 and lastly D700. and you know what.....<br>

    ....each one was heavier, more complex more expensive with only quality gain in higher ISO.<br>

    now, for me important is reliability, which means cheaper pro lenses and lightness....mainly because there's no fun walking around with 2kg in hand. also....there's no fun to spend almost half of car value. variety of lenses, creativity and shooting technique is much more important than bells and whistles.</p>

  5. <p>again - high iso capability and robust build, faster and more complex AF, bigger viewfinder and lots of functions you barely use. and a little wider dynamic range. that's all....<br>

    if you aren't sure you WOULD need it - you don't</p>

  6. <p>I could also add something....</p>

    <p>...D70s was my first digital SLR, which I am still missing after long way through D2Hs, D300 and even D700, which I have sold recently. Now I'm using other 'camp', but in a short future I'm gonna buy D70s AGAIN. I thing there's nothing special in newer bodies but higher ISO capability. D70s has it's own sparkle which other cons cameras are lacking. moreover it's more advanced in possibilities and constuction than nowadays consumer cameras.<br>

    so....my short advice - get D70s with a lot of great lenses and learn some exposure/lightning stuff.</p>

  7. <p>the reason is simple - 7D is a very new camera and price drop will be anticipated. 50D is really cheap now. If Canon will be still working for me then I'll jump to 5DII and leave 50D as a backup.</p>

    <p>now I've surprised myself, because a month ago I wouldn't even think on such a revolution;)</p>

  8. <p>I've skipped some mean answers, but most of you were helpfull.<br>

    what really important is - each camera feels different in different hands. brand doesn't matter. I was huge fan of Nikon gear over many years. and only complaining was about weight....<br>

    I didn't want make any upgrade. Just done more reliable replacement for body and lenses (Nikon still doesn't have some equivalents). Proffessional lenses are really expensive and heavy too.<br>

    I made my mind during my last session with Canon 5DII....and belive me or not, less heavy equipment works an asset. Fast and quiet lenses too. I loved my D700 for IQ and logic menu, but....that's life. Work is more important to me than a brand.</p>


    D90 was too small and plasticky in my hand</p>

  9. <p>If you want stick with brand just go for D300 (D300s) and affordable quality lens. there is a huge improvent between those cameras. I would rather have D70 as a backup with D300 than just an expensive FX with medicore lens. right - it has tremendous IQ - but still cost a lot...plus....probably Nikon replace it with a new model soon.</p>
  10. <p>Hi folks, I've recently changed the camp....for a many years I worked with Nikon, lastly with D700 (went a long way through D70s, D2Hs, D300), but I decided to change equipment.....to EOS 50D.<br>

    there was two reasons: body+lenses was to heavy and to pricey (an completely noting about IQ - was simply outstanding)<br>

    now, for half a price of Nikon got 50D+17-40L.</p>

    <p>anyone done that before? I'm just curious;)</p>

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