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Posts posted by witold_henszel

  1. <p>Hello,<br /> Our previous competition (<a rel="nofollow" href="http://www.shannonangel.com/blog/2010/show-me-your-world-landscape-photography-contest-2/" target="_blank">Show Me Your World</a>) was quite a success so here we are with another one.<br /> This month’s photo contest is themed “<strong>Pet Portraits</strong>”. <br /> For details please visit our blog <a href="http://www.shannonangel.com/blog/2010/pet-portraits-photography-contest/">www.shannonangel.com/blog/</a><br /> Best of luck to everybody!<br /><br />Witold of ShannonAngel.com</p>

    <p><strong><a href="http://www.shannonangel.com/blog/2010/pet-portraits-photography-contest/"><img src="http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2010/183/6/8/68813450804c673d87d30860528f2921.jpg" alt="" width="798" height="399" /></a><br /></strong></p>

  2. <p>Thank you guys. <br>

    Jerry - I completely agree about not giving your work away; sadly it is often the lowest price gets the bid - especially in the lower end market - we're not (the wife and myself) bad photographers (at least compared to local competition) and we can't be cheap. We're trying to be middle price range but still affordable. <br>

    Barry - I like your idea with calling people on the phone a few days later. As you said, it will give us an idea what went wrong, and they have somebody cheaper/better we lose nothing just by asking.<br>

    Thanks again!</p>

    <p> </p>

  3. <p>After you send off your wedding photography pricing/package to future bride-to-be (after initial contact, be it phone or e-mail or in person), you wait to hear back from her, right? Or do you remain proactive? Send her a remainder of sorts? Maybe some special offer?<br>

    Basically I'd like to know why somebody didn't like my offer, so I could improve my competitiveness or target my customers better.<br>

    Your insight will be much appreciated,</p>


    <p><b>Signature URL removed. Not allowed per photo.net Terms of Use.</b></p>

  4. <p>Hello,<br>

    To promote our new joint photography business myself and my wife are holding a landscape photography contest - Show Me Your World . <br>

    The contest is open to everybody and there are some pretty cool prizes to the winners (no 1D Mk IV or anything like that, yet).<br>

    First Place will receive their choice of a Compact Flash 8GB memory card or a month's subscription to Lynda.com and a pretty nice photography themed necklace/charm too. <br /><br />So please! Come check it out and enter! <br>

    <a href="http://www.shannonangel.com/blog/2010/show-me-your-world-landscape-photography-contest-2/">Show Me Your World Landscape Photography Contest</a></p>

    <p><br /></p>

  5. Hi,

    I've been using blurb for my wedding photobooks for a while, but I am looking for something more stylish to

    expand my offer. I got a sample pack from Graphistudio, and it does look impressive, but their bad customer

    service is probably more famous than their albums...

    Is there anybody offering similar service in Europe?


    I don't mind designing the book myself, but I am looking for

    paper/cover choice similar to that offered by graphi...





  6. Hi Matt,

    I am in very similar situation. I work as an engineer in Ireland, but I am thinking of moving into photography (mostly weddings, as I enjoy shooting people the most), part time for now, and we'll see how things go.

    I'm thinking of shooting a few weddings for free, just charge for prints if the customers choose any. This way they can hire "main" photographer and I could both shoot what i see as worth shooting and observe him. And I could get some shots for my website and portfolio.

    Especially that traditional wedding photography in ireland is so boring and stagnant, and it could really use some more competition.

    My local photographers are completely not poeple i would look up to, so I'd rather shoot on my own.

    Hope things turn out fine for you and stay in touch with your progress, if I have any hints I'll surely share. And congrats on becoming a father :)

  7. Hey Mike,

    I've been shooting MF for a while now, even though mostly BW;

    For general colour I use Fuji Reala - it has very nice colour rendition and skin tones look very nicely, too. For landscapes you can't beat Velvia, although you might struggle to get it developed/scanned, depending on your area. And as Bruce said, Provia is much better for people.

    If you want to try BW I use Ilford delta 100 and Fuji Acros 100, for lower light situation Ilford hp5.

    Hope this helps a bit.

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