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Posts posted by ianbattersby

  1. <p>Is there any way when submitting a photo for critique that you can disable <b>just</b> anonymous ratings opposed to all?</p>

    <p>I have no problem with people rating a photo low (or high) if they are willing to put their name to it, and <i>hopefully</i> leave a comment as to their reasons behind the rating. It would be even better if you could specify that a low rating must be accompanied by a comment, although I could well understand arguments against this.</p>

    <p>As Josh says in <a href="../site-help-forum/00Rsn6">another thread</a>, this is a <i>"photography community and educational site"</i>, yet without constructive feedback the ratings mean little (to me) in an educational sense.</p>

    <p>Thanks, Ian</p>

  2. <p>Thank you all for your comments.<br>

    <br /> I do fully appreciate the properties of this film in respect of it's grain, my question comes from how to best scan such a film. Since posting I have managed to find a combination that I feel particularly happy with, specifically using GANE (low) and pushing the focus out my 0.2 to blur the grain just slightly.<br>

    <br /> Peter: Interesting comment about developer as it seems the film may not have received the most ideal treatment (in many respects) when being developed. I now plan on developing the film myself with DDX and will be interested to see how it changes.</p>

  3. <p>Hi all,<br>

    <br /> Forgive the newbie question but I've only just started scanning my own negatives after purchasing a Nikon Coolscan 5000 ED and am still on a sharp learning curve!<br>

    <br /> My main issue at the moment is that with Silverfast Ai or Nikon Scan 4 I find Illford HP5+ (400) extremely grainy. I have read several tutorials and forum posts but having experimented with the various de-screening options and GANE® in 'Silverfast Ai' am left disappointment with the results.  I wondered if anyone might be able to recommend settings for Silverfast Ai when scanning this particular film type?<br>

    <br /> Also, could anyone also tell me if they have managed to integrate the scanning process effectively with Apple Aperture? My conclusion so far is that I will need to either manually import scanned TIFs or have Aperture watching a directory for pick-up. <br>

    <br /> Many thanks.</p>

  4. I suppose like any change in website behavior it's going to have it's fans and critics. Although I understand the reason

    for the change for those of us who are use to navigating and contributing (critique-wise) to the site in a certain way it's

    become a real pain in the rear.


    One could argue the solution to this is to change the way we use the site, and I have already begun to do so, but I must

    confess I would have much appreciated if a prominent notice had been put in the header of this screen immediately after

    the change for those who didn't notice the text change in the sidebar, and furthermore that perhaps this behavior could

    be changed with an additional drop-down or setting in my profile.


    That said I recognise and thank Josh + people for continually looking to improve the site - good stuff! :)

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