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Image Comments posted by mirona-ioana

    Little Roan mare..


    I was, of course, joking. Please don't mind... That strap was pressing "something" there, that looked like... hm... you know... I can't say it... And when I look at a picture, especially when I have to rate it, I'm very attentive to ALL details. Even "small" ones... :-D



    Little Roan mare..


    What, for God's sake, is that belt strangling?!... Poor beast! No wonder the horse is soo mad! ;-)


    Otherwise, an interesting shot, good capture of the moment, good composition.


    Is she inviting us to join her in that fairy-tale land or is she willing to escape from that imaginary world?... Interesting and challenging picture! Very original!


    Beautiful light, composition and texture of the skin! And I like that you have choosen b/w and not colour for this picture. Beautiful love story!
  1. Am ales aceasta fotografie din portofoliu, pentru ca mi-a atras atentia relatia dintre cei doi. Hopa, imi zic: un flirt! Citesc apoi titlul pozei si abia, intr-un tarziu descopar "detaliul" la care faci referire!! LOL! Banca! Super ideea! Eram atat de absorbita de "jocul actorilor" incat, intr-adevar, nu mi-a mai pasat de acest detaliu esential: pe ce sed ei acolo asa de relaxati, in parc? Felicitari! E o fotografie foarte foarte originala!


    In rest, pot sa-ti spun ca ai un portofoliu deosebit de reusit! Mirona

  2. Beautiful light and fine colours! The fog in the early morning light is very dramatic. It looks like a chinese stamp! Concerning the composition, I would suggest it would be better to frame the boat and fisherman more closely to the left margin and let the ducks "swimm" closer to the foreground. Or, you can reframe the whole picture by cutting the lower part of the foreground, next to the ducks. Anyway, thank you for sharing this photo! Mirona
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