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Image Comments posted by caride

  1. Lesa,


    This rose looks amazingly beautiful. I love the composition and how clean you left the environment.


    Regarding my yellow rose picture, I wanted to thank you for your critique. You always help me with your feedback. And, yes, I did fade its colors on purpose. I tried to make the background look like a sort of Persian carpet in contrast with a fading rose. I was trying to achieve something dramatic and different. Maybe I didn't get it. I'll try harder next time.







    looking for salmon

    I like this picture a lot. The bears are very crisp even with a slower shutter, and you have had a great idea. The only thing you should have in mind is that the picture is overexposed in some areas. A tighter crop may help.


    The bubbles, thw whites and greens - everything looks balanced in this picture. I like the crop choice very much. You did a grat job with the exposure. White structures are difficult to photograph.


    Amazing shot! I love the colors (yellows, black, brown and blue) and the insect's position. It seems it is looking at the camera. Very goos cropping choice.


    I think the cropping is perfect as well as the focus length. Great picture! I was wondering what was there in the back when you took the pic and what aperture you used. The only thing I would change is the water mark. I would place it in a frame.

    My Flower

    this is a very interesting portrait of the spider. The body position is great, the composition with the flower makes the richness of color even more interesting. I like also the background with contrasting black and yellows.


    I like the balance, but think the armchair is polluting the pic.I love the cat. This one is a good picture of him indeed!


    Oh, wow, what a picture! The contrasts you chose are amazing. The richness of one side contrasting with the void in the other is impressive. Very interesting picture! Congratulations.
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