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Image Comments posted by oscar1

  1. Thanks a lot, Michael, for your comments.


    What you see in the mirror and over my head is, in fact, one of the tripod legs. Thanks you for taking the time to put your impressions. I will try to take a look to some of your work, also.


    Kind regards,




  2. A Lou Reed concert in Barcelona. This is the photography the music

    magazine for whom I work selected. Lou Reed was enjoying the concert

    and I manage to take some pictures of him smiling (this expression is

    a kind of miracle taking into account his normal mood ;-) I used a

    digital Canon EOS 10D with the EF 200 2.8 hand held. The ISO rating

    is 1600. Do you like it?



    Here you have a portrait of one of my friends, Claire, taken when we

    were waiting to ve served in a restaurant. I would want to know if

    you like the composition and the lighting: she in the shade and all

    the background with blow-out lights. No crops or digital alterations.

    Scanned with a cheap flatbed scanner from a 18 x 18 cm copy.


    Thanks in advance,



  3. Hi, I just want to know your opinions about this picture. It was

    taken in an old bar in the centre of Barcelona, a Sunday morning when

    I was supposed to be reading a newspaper as the man in the picture is

    doing. What are your opinions about the composition?

    Thanks in advance and regards.

  4. Thanks Jeroen, for your good work on the computer. I guess I have to improve my computer skills! I am also glad about your comment and how do you find a meaning in the picture, exactly what I tried to express.

    Kind regards



    Hi, Jeroen,


    I find it a good photograph, because your grandfather shows in his gaze and in his hands all his life and how he does not expect too much more of it. I have to say, that, contrary to other comment, I prefer, in this case, that he is not looking at the camera. Here it is like looking at the void, at the end of our lives and I find it disturbing and intriguing. So I prefer it this way. About the composition, it is a kind of environmental portrait, but I find that there is too much window in the frame and the lamp disturbs, as somebody more said. So, I took the liberty of reframing your shoot showing what, for me, it is a better approach (of course it is only my opinion) and I hope you don't mind. You will see why I like a lot 6x6 format ;-) Anyway, if you wanted to maintain 35mm format you could be closer to him and play a little with vertical composition. I have also erased the lamp very quickly, only to show that a lot of times in photography less is more. Anyway, congratulations, it is not an snapshot at all.


    Blind man


    Hi, last week end I was walking by La Barceloneta, an old fisherman's

    neigbourhood in Barcelona and I found these man and woman relaxing

    outside their houses. When I was near, I realized that the man was

    blind. I ask permission to take the photo and they were very

    receptive. So, here is.


    Action shots are difficult. The subject moves quickly and perhaps you have to be in a seat without possibility of moving to get a better frame. Perhaps here it is the problem. You got the action very well but your point of view is not pleasing to the subject. You are too high what makes the fight between the cowboy and the animal insignificant. The bull merges with the floor and we cannot see the cowboy's face. For sure it would have added a lot more of'drama' to the action.


    I agree completely with the previous posts about the lack of light and contrast, the photoshop 'make-up' of Benhard makes a completely different (and a good) picture. I like the diagonal lines, the framing is correct but the problem is the lack of contrast.

    My mum

    Hi, thank you for all your comments but I am very surprised about how "classical" you are. It is not a 'family snapshot', it is a photography for me and it is very common to "cut" the head in portraits. I am not the first or the last that would do it. But, anyway, it is your opinion and I must live with it ;-)

    My mum


    I tried not to use the conventional point of view in portrait and

    helped with the vaist level finder of my Rollei, I used this very low

    point of view. Also, I tried the framing not to be conventional, and

    the picture to look natural, did I succeed? Your turn.


    Very disturbing approach to family portraits because photography, from the beginning, is about faces, is about to record the expression of human beings for the longing to live forever. Not showing the face could make for general humankind but it is also mysterious. Anyway, a very original approach. About the photo, it is very casual, it remind me a Norman Rockwell drawing but there is too much sky to my taste. I prefer "twist", for me the best of your folder.


    Here you have one of the most 'classical' compositions in my Roma folder. What do you think of it?.

    Technical info: I have used an old Minolta Autocord with Ilford HP5 and the 'hellrot' (red) filter from Rollei.

    Comments appreciated a lot!

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