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Image Comments posted by godfather


    Meant if you tilt your camera so that you get your tarket on the frame so it goes from corner to corner. Works when you shoot direct from the side. My favourite panning shots come anywhere between 1/15-1/80 shutter speeds, depends much on the target speed.


    Nice. Just a thought, have you ever tried panning with a tilted angle. You have really good sport pics in your portfolio.

    Fun thing that the track person is straight under the bike, didnt even notice on the small pic. Nice action.


    Thanks jack. I havent been satisfied my photographs and kind of lost interest but i'm doing it like on/off style. But my main worry is why photo.net is like a funeral home nowdays... or have i missed something relevant here. There's something like 20 new pics a day and very rarely comments on them. Br. Tero

    The forest edge

    Mindblast to the 70's. Besides that it takes me to the 70's it gives a really nice calm feeling. It's like a drawing... or am i missing something... no, for a second i forgot that your nature studies gives always somekind mindblow. I'm in the edge of starting this again and this might push me across the edge. Thanks for showing this to the world. Br. Tero

    Mickey Nightlife


    Without that little "thing" this would be just a normal nice park image with a nice lighting. But that little "thing" makes it a bizarre image which goes around your head.  Im´n not sure what i´m looking at because i presume that this gives ideas to peoples heads and everybody takes their own conclusions from it.  I like it. grats. Tero.


    Ps. I haven't been here on a while and i noticed that my comment left anonymous. Not my intention.

    Auto Focus


    I´ve seen those Japanese tube hotels but this goes far beyond. Apartment blocks in mini cubic cars. Apperently arriving in Europe next 10 years. The title gave me a good laugh,,,


    regards Tero

    Demon II


    Now that's a rather haunting vision. And it's not even only horror it's also really nicely composed. This kind of images have a tendency to stick on to your mind, and i believe it already happend to me.



    This is the way i like 'em, the nature category i mean. I also viewed your portfolio and found some really cool landscape images. Personally i don't do landscapes so i can appreciate a nice view when i see it. Keep on shooting those water shots, there is something unique in them and they are rather good. Cheers.

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