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Image Comments posted by le_grand

    The deck


    to give it more punch go lower closer to the water level and on a angle. Pour plus de dinamisme plus bas pres de l'eau et le quai en angle. Prend plusieur photos en faisant parler le sujet. il ne faut pas que cela ai l'air juste d'un quai mais d'un quai qui dit quelquechose comme je part ou je reste, je viens d'arriver our je me preparere a partir. Dans ce cas pour moi j'arrive en angle je me prepare a partir.



    my dad

    Sometime you have to make a choce. find your subject let say the cat then cut the man to show the complete cat and focus the eyes of the animal.


    When some one rate 4/4 for this photo it prove they dont no much about photo and photo editing. For me (7/7) it's a magnificent photo like the rest of your portfolio.
  1. technicaly it's very good but humaly it is great and real life photo. When I look around my place I see people that should look at photo like this one, it would make them apreciate all the wonderfull thing they have. Merci it is a great phto that I will remenber




    It's all good very nicely done at the good place at the good time. could go with a touch of PS to darken the bleu sky. but it is just a sugestion to make an other look of a great shot

    Bridge 99


    her is why I put 7/6 for the photo. It is simple great. to me it's all their noting more to say


    Bravo! from Quebec Canada

    My cat


    I agree. the white is white and black is also black. Nice composition and good DOF. the post on the right a bit distracting but the cat was siting there so it's there. nice capture


    regards Pierre


    tres belle photo. un peu ctrop centre mais le degagement est du bon cote. la mumiere est bonne et l'ombre sur le dos correct la profondeur de cahmps est bonne.
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