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Posts posted by brooke_moore

  1. You can add borders in lightroom there are some presets and if you have one you can add it under userpresets.


    I think any PS border could probably be made to work through Lightroom as well.


    One easy option is to make a droplet of the action and then in the export process it will run it onto what ever files you have highlighted.




  2. We usually provide images for web use or in-house use or if they are doing an ad I will provide an image for that as well.


    In the long run charging other vendors never works out well. They don't understand what you would charge a "commercial" client for image use so I just assume that it is one of those times that you give it rather than charge.


    I do specify credit in each instance. In the long years I have been doing it has not been a big hassle.

    I do make sure that the client who is in an image knows exactly the use of the photo and agrees to it.



  3. This is why it is essential to design in the aspect that you want the final album to be in.


    Your proportions are off by quite a bit. You worked with a "square" format and now want a rectagular one.


    You could try your fix but I think it will end up looking weird. Might be easier and have a better final result to redo with the proper aspect to start with. Since you did it once it should go quickly as long as the images are properly prepped.



  4. Look on Ebay. There are a ton of sources for single purchase. If you are looking for a slip in style book that is a good place.


    Some photo supply stores also stock them.


    If you are doing a digital press print book then Blurb is good or try MPIX for a bit more userfriendly interface.



  5. Most major labs are now offering this type of pano from prints.

    I have had fabulous luck with MillersLab and am working with Candid2000 for a larger page size option in a new album.


    I had horrible luck with Zookbinders and they were down right rude to me at the recent show in NYC so they are totally off my list.


    It seems every day I get another email from a lab or binding company so keep looking.



  6. This is a hard one because your sense of the value you bring and their sense of the value they need may be at odds.


    Since you are just starting look at this as a HUGE learning opportunity not only for design but seeing so much image work you should get a great deal of visual learning.


    See what they offer and then know you can ask for more after you prove yourself and show them how long it takes you to accomplish basic tasks.


    I know exactly how long it takes me to design an album and I knew how long it took to assemble an album in the past. So when I used outside help I had an expectation of the cost based on time/pay.


    That is probably a good way to look at. If they pay you $25/hr how many hours will that translate to for the design of a 20 spread album.

    Since you don't know the software yet it will take longer at the begining than after a week or so.


    Good luck and be open to a gradual increase in your compensation to cover that it will take you less time to do better!



  7. This is a question that crops up a lot when I talk with potential clients, I make it clear that the package includes an album of a given size but that they may choose to add pages at the design process.


    Once I see how many images the client is asking for then I make it clear that either it should fit ok or it is no way going to fit into the size album that they started with.


    The price to add pages is upfront in the information that they receive with the proof book so there are no suprises. No album is ordered with out the client knowing exactly what the page size is and the price adjustment if any.


    Do I design more pages than the base Yes if they have indicated a willingness to go up in size. Otherwise it is a waste of my time and I will have to spend more time and effort editing down than the original design time.


    Clearly there is some disconnect on the part of what you are saying and what your clients are hearing! 24 pages I am assuming 1-24 is way small for a bridal album at least from my point of view. We start at 30 and most of my clients are in the 48-50 range when all is said and done.



  8. I guess my question is what is your intention here. These are nice for what they are but where are the people?


    If you are looking to do product photography ok but if you are looking for wedding clients then where are they?


    Details are lovely but the story of a wedding is more than a lot of detail images added together.


    Tell us what you are thinking these might do and then it will be easier to see if you are on track.



  9. I have used MPIX a lot for small albums. The software is a breeze to use and you can easily customize the layouts and sizes of images on the pages.

    The printing is very high quality and the customer service is amazing.

    So far it is the most reliable source I have found. Turnaround is instant!

    I also use MillersLab for my album production for brides and grooms. The MPIX albums are good for parents or a supplemental album. The press products through MillersLab have more binding options and some different size options.

    Very worth using.



  10. Most all of the companies that provide this type of album provide this service. Who you pick depends on how many options you want to offer and how much work you want to do.


    MillersLab has easy to customize software and a lot of basic choices in magazine style, preview and proof hosting options. I find that their customer services is amazing.


    The turnaround time on printed products both press and photo is the best I have found any place. The options for large page size albums is limited but I am finding that not a huge problem.


    WHCC is another reputable source but price/turnaround has been an issue.


    I suggest doing a web search and find the one that seems to have what you like. Ask a lot of questions and try things out a bit. I run Vista and Millers has been fantastic in working out the bugs on using the software and the upload system with Vista.


    Good luck


  11. The plain truth is that most clients check out 30-50 photographers! That is about triple what most used to do. Why? It is so easy. They go on the web and search for hours. They compare stuff They send out emails to eliminate people who are booked and then they make some sort of decision. Often the choice is based on raw price, not even a good price/value comparision. Sometimes it is based on actually meeting with photographers and seeing the work and the personality.


    It is frustrating but I find that in this market and mind set it takes about 6 inquiries to book a date. That is inquiries not meetings. I still have about a 85% rate of booking those who come in but it is harder to get people through the door.


    The advent of national marketing for places like Bella and others who don't meet clients at all makes for another twist in the story.


    Try to be more open to providing a better reason to have some one meet you. This could be a particular offer or a description of what they can see that is not on the web site or just your great sounding voice.


    Best of luck!


  12. Hi Elizabeth


    There are a number of wholesale supply companies that represent different manufactuers. One is AlbumsInc which I use there are a ton of different album options at many price breaks. Worth taking a look into. The nice thing about working with such a company is that you can purchase a variety of items without having to establish a credit line at all of the sources.


    In terms of digital albums at a good price again there are many sources. MPIX is a great look at a price that is hard to beat a good starting point and then you could move up to the main lab if you have a need.


    Good luck in your business development.



  13. Since I am about to start sending files for approval I am working on this idea also.


    Plan to be simple. By the time we get this far I am mostly concerned with being sure that names etc are correct and that there are no gross errors to fix.


    I want to have proof of approval but not open up for further adjustments. Hopefully some one out there will help us both.



  14. Hi Scott


    You are a busy fellow going through the planning for your business.

    Millers offers a few simple frames not enough to make it a great choice.


    I buy frames from several local places and then use Albums Inc as the main supplier. Their pre-made and custom options are good prices and lots of choice. The clearance section of the web site often has some good options as well.


    I used to stock more frames and sell more but the huge amount of such items at Target and other retailers makes it a harder sell. I try to have really "bridal" looking items and some that are just different in style and color from the black found everywhere else.


    One nice element of major labs is getting big prints mounted so they can go into same size frames easily.



  15. Bright Orange shirt. That is what black and white is for!


    Really doesn't seem to bad but I suggest you should learn a big lesson. Kids are kids. Making a kid cry or the parent feel badly because they are going to cry is way wrong. The B&G included them because they are important so let them be in the photos as possible and move on. It is so way not about you!!!



  16. Vista is a conflict with a lot of software.


    You need to have the provider give you the update to fix it.


    I went through this a lot recently when I upgraded my computer for image use but finally am up and runing with no problems.


    Most companies have been struggling to get his fixed. I spent hours online with tech support at MillersLab and finally helped them get the last of the Vista burps done.



  17. This is always an issue some clients say it out loud and others just think it.


    You can not persuade them too much but sometimes just showing a bad image may make them feel comfortable. I stress right from the start that it is my job to make the best images and present only those that are 100% useable for prints, albums or slideshows.


    It is not wise to spend too much time apologizing just stress that it is your judgement that determins what images stand to represent your work.


    Do you make a specific contract about how many images are to be presented? That may be part of the issue. We give a range and always provide more than expected.



  18. Jump in! The best way is to start select a group of images and practice organizing them into a story line.


    Do different layouts. Wait a bit and relook. Show them to who ever you can and watch where they look follow the eyes and you will discover which layouts lead the viewer in to your images.


    I find desinging albums to be great fun. Once you get some understanding you will shoot more closely to provide the base material for your designs.



  19. In photo printing you do get what you pay for!


    I love Millers I am a very long time user of them and find that their service is exactly what they say. The tech support is amazing and the cost of the prints is well within the standards.


    I have looked at WHCC but frankly was dissapointed in getting information so moved on.


    In my experience it pays to simplify and since Millers can provide what I need and keeps coming up with new innovations I am sticking with one lab.



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