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Posts posted by jay_lang

  1. I too shoot street stuff mainly. My main lens is the canon 50mm f1.4 but my next purchase will be the canon 135mm f2 USM L. I use a 400d and the other lens i have on alot is the 17-55mm f2.8 IS efs. Its good but sometimes too slow for the street where i really like to use primes.


    the reason for the 135mm is the extra length and also the fact its one of the cheapest L series lens as well as offering outstanding sharpness.

  2. Hi


    I have had my camera (400d) for 6 months now. I guess I change the lens about

    once per week on average.


    I was wondering how often I should clean the sensor, or get someone else to do

    it for me? I don't seem to have a dust problem yet as there are no obvious

    specs on any of my photos.



  3. I'm debating getting a 200 or 300mm lens. I'm wondering whether I shouget a

    canon zoom such as the 70-200mm f2.8 IS or a 200/300mm prime lens.


    I will use it mainly for distance work in street locations. Candid shots.


    I currently use a 50mm f1.4 prime alot and really love the image quality I get.

  4. I had the same problem with the sigma 10-20mm lens. I now have the canon 430 added and its a good unit. Obviously the 580 is better but cost was a factor for me too as i'd rather spend the extra few hundred quid on better lenses.
  5. I use the 400d. Its a good entry level camera to see how you get on with dSLR's. I've had mine 6 months now and will definately upgrade when finances permit. I think although the camera body is important, the lenses are more so. A crap lens on a pro camera will take a crap shot, where as a great lens on an entry level camera (with ability) can take a fantastic shot.


    I use the canon 50mm f1.4 which is by far my favourite lens. I also have the sigma 10-20mm which is good for its price and the canon 17-55mm f2.8 IS USM (which is damn good but expensive).


    I'd recommend the 400d and a good lens. Remember the 50mm will be an 80mm with the crop, so if its a true 50mm you want then maybe the sigma 30mm f1.4 is a good bet. Thats my next lens come pay day.

  6. I recently bought a canon 50mm f1.4 and i have to admit i love it. was out playing with it last weekend and am very impressed with the image quality. Plus its pretty compact and light weight.


    Another option might be the sigma 30mm f1.4 which i hear is good and is next on my purchase list. Both lenses are about ?250 each.


    I have the canon 17-55mm f2.8 IS which is great, but a bit pricey and larger & heavier than I thought it was going to be.

  7. Looking for something fast, unobtrusive and that can offer some interesting shots even in overcast or low light. I want to get subjects where they are in sharp focus but with a good background blur etc.


    Also i'm not too bothered about alot of wear and tear on the 50mm as its a lot cheaper than the 17-55.


    the sigma 10-20mm is a nice lens but i must admit its pretty hefty.

  8. Hi


    Thanks for all the advice. I have a Canon 17-55mm f2.8 IS USM lens now and am thinking of also adding a canon 28mm f1.4 prime to my kit for street shots. The camera is a 400d with x1.6 sensor so I thought the 28mm should be a good choice as it will take me to 50mm.


    I also have a sigma 10-20mm wide angle. Do you think I need the 28mm or am I wasting cash? Its the f1.4 that I want really.

  9. Hi


    I'm a new memeber here and new to photography.


    I'm primarily interested in street photography (night and day) and just

    catching life shots on the spur of the moment.


    I have a canon 400d and was wondering what lens I should use? Do i need some

    thing fast top avoid blur etc?


    Your help will be much appreciated.



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