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Image Comments posted by bluyckx



    a little bit soft especially around the eyes


    also maybe a little more colour contrast (vibrance)

    and watch out for those reds and magentas on the right side (maybe a little desaturation there?)



    otherwise a very very very excellent picture

    glass smoke colored


    Hi John,


    This is smoke from a good quality incense cone, photographed hand held with my 100mm macro and on-camera flash against a very dark background in a relatively dark room, inverted and processed in PS. Had to take about 20 shots.

    You need a room that is totally draft-less and be patient and don't move about too much.

  1. Ashamedly I have to admit that only since this week I calibrated my monitor and see what you mean.


    There are some other pictures that I would like to improve looking at them now, but then again...

    I'll try to do better in the future.




    you're so totally right!


    That's how I shoot. I almost always go with my gut feeling for an image and only afterward, in hindsight I sometimes discover meaning for myself.

    That's what happened here.


    I'll often see a picture for the 'first' time when someone tells me what they think of when viewing it.


    btw John

    sorry for the delay but I answered on some of you r remarks on the other pics also, so check them out



    A gray, misty night.

    Outside my window I see a lamppost through the tops of the trees in front of my apartment. It is very quiet.

    The color is a yellow orange glow.

    I look, I like.

    I took a picture.


    By replacing the color with tint I noticed that it became stronger and more 'velvety'. And the details in the lower right are almost a suggestion.


    It has no meaning as such or a purpose.

    It's more an impression than an expression.

    And it makes me think of the original 'exorcist' movie and what it is really about, for me.


    That's all, I guess.

  2. Yes Len, there is a lot of similarity between your image and mine.

    I bet that even the same fixtures were used!


    At the same time they are both very different views on the same subject.

    What a beautiful medium photography (isn't it) is!

    (forgive me my blatant disregard for proper sentences)



    In this picture I like the clash between the red and the blue, while the composition is very static. In the same session as my own image I photographed red berries and blue sky (thank you B+W polarizing filter!). It makes me think more of that than this... If you make of sense some can it.


    As an onlooker it makes me uncomfortable in a way, but that 's probably just me.

    I mean to say that it invokes an atmosphere of 'je ne sais quoi' but it's uneasy, the feeling I get from post modern painting or music or...


    Anyway, I 'd like to congratulate you on a fine collection (I especially liked your leica series).



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