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Image Comments posted by auriel_dahan



    Gorgeous model, sensual curves and shapes, soft light giving an extended grey colors panel, this portrait  is fascinating! Great portfolio! Congratulations to you both. Guy


    What a strange picture! So beautiful!I found the overall composition was very successfully done, since the look is drectly attracted by this "strange thing" floating or lost in some foggy matter.Then, one second ..to understand that this is not some peculiar and unclassified animal but a genuine human face! It was a very good idea to avoid to wet the nose and the lips, which would have taken light, it's better they remain neutral.I believed first, the eyes were closed before to understand that the eyebrows are not the eyelashes...Then the spreading out of the hair on the surface of water changes strangely the proportions of the forehead and the overall apect of the face. It looks like a flat ground plan. Two elemnts emerge from this milky ocean, the nose ant the leg (under the form of an iceberg..You were right to keep such an element at the foreground)which both, underline nicely the flat composition of the face. I'd make a suggestion: could you try to crop the upper right corner, because the level of water breaks the strange aspect of this picture and reveals the reality of a bath. But you certainly took the good decision. The technical aspect of this picture is perfect.I should add to your title :..and strangeness. Thank you very much Monika for sharing.Congratulations. Guy (excuse my imperfect English)
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