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Posts posted by raysgallery

  1. Brad, I sorry that I wasn't clear enough in my first post.


    In other words, the lady I talked to at Nikon support said that next week, Nik will be coming out with a plugin that will allow you to use Color Efex Pro for Photoshop with the program Capture NX 2. If she is right, that means that you can use Color Efex Pro for Photoshop with Capture NX 2 and Photoshop.


    I wasn't asking if you could. According to her, after next week (if you buy the plugin) you will be able to.Just trying to give you'll a heads up, that's all.


    The reason I said if she is right, is that the lady at Nik's support said I could do it now. Like you pointed out, you can't. She sounded like she didn't know to much so I called Nikon's Corporation's phone No#. This lady not only talked like she knew what she was doing, but in less then a minutes time, she went into their system and straighted out a key code problem I had. She sounded like she really knew what she was talking about. I just hope she is right.

  2. I am thinking about purchasing NX 2, so I called costumer support (Corporate) and asked if NX 2could use the

    Color Efex Pro 3.0 plugin for Photoshop. They said not right now, but we are comming out with another plugin next

    week that will let you use the Color Efex plugin for Photoshop with NX 2.


    I'm pretty sure you have to perches it. I'm just hoping they weren't just pulling my and that it really does come

    out, and that it doesn't cost to much.

  3. I have the Epson 750 Pro, and it does a great job for a flat bed. You can put 12 slides on at once and colorer correct each one individually. Hit scan, and take off & do something else. I had some slides that I took with bad film. The slides had all most no color to them at all. The 750 was able to make them look better then I ever dreamed it could.


    It also comes with a liquid scanning plate for negatives. I am probably wrong, but from what I understand, (even though the 750 Pro is pricey), there is a very very big price jump in price to get something better.

  4. I hope this is not off of the topic, but you were talking about getting prints that look like RA4 prints. I have been a member of photo.net for a year or so and have never sean anyone talk about applying sharping to a photo after editing, to make up for the amount you lose between your monitor and printer.


    The reason I bring this up is that there is a article in Lawyers Magazine this month that gives you the formula to do this. I just bought Nik Sharpner 2 two weeks before I got Lawyers.


    I didn't try the formula (or measurements) useing the size of your monitor, but the first time I use Nik S, after I finished editing, I thought I had just through my money away. I thought there was no way it would look good with the amount of sharping Nik S. applied. A minute later after my R2400 finished printing, I felt like I had gotten all of my money back, and then some.


    I would post the just the equation, but I don't know if that would be against the copyright laws.

  5. I'm no expert, but the only way I know to is to put your scratch area on another drive. It is highly recommended for video, so it should help some. Better would be to use a RAID0 or RAID10.


    A very good graphics card is also recommended for rendering.


    It would help to give Photoshop use of more memory than the default setting, if you haven't already done so. To give Photoshop use of more memory, go to Edit/Perferences/Performance.


    If your not running more than one program at a time, then I would give Photoshop all memory that it will let you.

  6. Richard


    I do photo and video editing. I talked to Matrox Support on the issue of speed before I built my OS last year. They say that you should have your OS on a single drive (but a RAID0 would only help) and your Scratch Disks on your RAID0. I have my Scratch disks on a RAID10 backed up with a RAID5.


    You need a very good graphics card to help with rendering, if your going to do any rendering in Photoshop.


    I might be all wrong on this, but if that's the fastest way to set up the Matrox RTx2 for Premier Pro, then I would think that it would be the best for Photoshop also, but who knows.


    P.S. If you use a RAID5 or 10, don't forget about your controller card. I lost 1TB when my controller card failed on my RAID10

  7. I know you may think this sounds crazy, but I read that you can get as much as 30 mins of download out of a failed drive, by putting it in an external, usb (or what ever) external case. Then run all of the cables into your freezer. After, it freezes (I guess) turn it on, and IF it fires up, get what you can. They said, most they ever got was 30 mins if anything at all. I forgot were I read this, but it was online.


    P.S. If you run a RAID 1, 5 or 10, don't forget that the RAID controller can fail. If that happens, (like it did to me) then it's by by data also.

  8. I am going trial tomorrow morning on such a get deal. There is no way (in my onion) that this could not be a scam. I am trying to recover $2100.00 because of such a deal. I bought a Sigma 80X400mm lens for $909.00 and was charged $1900.00. They said "well you wanted Image Stable-a-z-tion didn't you? That 80x400mm Sigma lens is $1900.00". For your information Sigma does not make that lens without IS. The rest of the money was for other things on that order.


    Go for it, I bet you well wish you hadn't.


    Oh, by the way it was Express Camera's.com. According to NJ's Attorney General's office, the owner of Camera Express.com, owns about 10 other online stores that do the something.

  9. Like I said earlier, the only reason I have any of Dane's CF cards is because Camera Express sent them to me. Camera Express is going to try to say that I took two Dane CF Cards in exchange for $2000.00 or so. I guess, Express Camera's thinks these are very good cards.


    Anyway, I have use them. I don't see anything bad about them. For the price, I would have to say there really good, but I'm still waiting for one of them two fail. I use them when ever I am just messing around, just to see what they will do. So for the work great. The only bad thing I see about them is the fear they cause, that they might fail. (spell checker can't spell a-ing-zi-a-ty)

  10. Express Camera's wanted to give me two 4GB Dane-Elec if I would forget about the $2000.00 or so they riped me off for (it's now going to a Jury Trail). I told them they could do what every they wanted, as long as they returned my money. Anyway, they sent the cards.


    I don't trust the Dane-Elec Cards. Their selling for $37.00 on Amazon.com.


    I wouldn't use them on a wedding, but I really can't see a lot of difference in them and the Lexar, Delkin, SanDisk, and Kingstones I have used. They seam to work great for every day use.

  11. When I built my first computer, the other students in our class said that getting a 1GB hard drive was crazy. I asked the instructor what he thought about it & he said "if you can afford it, go for it. You'll never know when you may need the extra space".


    I would differently get a 2nd drive. Stay with any of the 7200 RPM drives & you will be able to work with video if you ever have the need.


    I do video and Matrox told me a Raid 0 is better than a faster processor when your talking about processors like the 6600 & 6700. The only bad thing about a Raid 0 is that you have to have two drives acting as one. So that means you have twice the space for data and you will lose twice the data if one of the two drives fail. To get the speed of a Raid 0 with redundancy, you have to go to a Raid 10. That means four drives running as two. Supposedly the only way you would lose data is if you Raid controller card failed (don't use the ones that comes on mother boards. Been there tried that)There are many different raid configurations, but Raids 0 & 10 are the fastest.


    I fell the the second drive is the most important addition to your system, for the least amount of money. You can always add a Raid later if you need one.

  12. I think we all need two weeks in the West Indies. In 1985 I spent 3 weeks in St. Lusa . When I first arrived I was like Bruce. 2 weeks later we went in a bar an ordered a beer. When the beer came, we ordered a sandwich. When the sandwich came we order another beer. It was 3 hours from the time we got our 1st beer to the 2nd one, and it didn't seam that long at all.


    I swear that I will go back one day.

  13. I don't know if this is your problem or not, but I had a problem close to this.


    I put one set of AA batters in the MB-D10 backwards. When I tried to shoot at 8 fps the D300 would only take 2 fps after that (only in the RAW setting).


    I didn't tell Teck support what I had done, but when I it back from them, they said that the only problem was that I had change the NEF (RAW) recording in the Shooting Menu from 12 bit to 14 bit which I hadn't done (the D300 only shoots 2 fps in 14 bit RAW). I guess putting the batters in the MB-D10 backwards did it.


    So check all of your Menu's out pretty good.

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