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Posts posted by larry_albert

  1. Don,




    What luck, I just came to MFD from the Mamiya pages and had been reading how to order a manual.




    ***** Start of snipped copy from Mamiya's page ****

    Since Mamiya receives many inquiries on obtaining

    instruction booklets for cameras, we are listing this

    information here for Forum users.




    Instruction booklets for current and discontinued Mamiya

    cameras are priced at $8 each, including first-class postage

    to anywhere within the US.




    ***** End of snipped copy from Mamiya's page *****

    URL - http://mamiya.com/cgi-bin/WebX?13@^2496@.ee6b860




    Go to the above page for instructions about where to send your money.




    Their home page mamiya. com has a link to User Forum which

    then has a link for Older Mamiya Cameras lots of discussions of the

    220 and 330 cameras. User Forum will also link you to Ordering

    Instruction Manuals




    Good luck,





  2. George,




    Bay1 filters for the Roelli are still listed as available in

    the latest B&H Photo catalog. B+W offers Bay 1 filters

    and calls them size B1. I did not find any Bay 1 filters in

    the Tiffen listings.




    B&H web address follows ---




    http://www.bhphotovideo.com/photo/filters/navigation.html ---




    Hope this helps. B+W may be your only choice for new

    Bay 1 filters. Yes B+W filters do cost more than other

    brands. Are they worth it? I am not going to start that





    Good luck,


  3. William Ju (wju@ibm.net)

    Report on Fuji 670




    For a discussion of the Fuji 617 you should read the report from a

    satisfied user - Philip Greenspun of photo.net.




    Go to his site (address follows)


    About half way down the page you will find the following;

    Fuji 617: Want to have panoramic negatives bigger than

    most folks' proof prints?




    That link will take you to:

    Fuji 617 by Philip Greenspun for photo.net.





    Hope this helps,







    Use the focal length of the lens you are using.




    If you use the "equivalent focal length in 35mm" the resulting hyperfocal distance will be for a

    lens of that focal length PERIOD, not the length you are actually using.. The formulae for

    hyperfocal distance do not include anything about the film size.




    You can get formulae for the hyperfocal distances and put them into a spread sheet and calculate

    the ones YOU need. Several links follow that have the formula you want and other formulae that

    might be of interest.




    **** This first link is simple and straight forward. *****








    **** Here is Question 9 copied from that link. *****




    Q9. What is hyperfocal distance?




    A. The closest distance that is in acceptable focus when the lens is

    focused at infinity. (See below for a variant use of this term.)




    h = f^2/(N*c)




    *** Larry is adding information starting here




    f = focal length of the lens

    N = f stop (the one being used - not lens maximum aperture)

    c = diameter of the "circle of confusion"

    h = hyperfocal distance




    NOTE: ALL dimensions above are in millimeters. If you want hyperfocal distance to be in feet

    or meters you must include a conversion factor.




    end of the information that Larry added.*****




    ***** formula for "depth of field" calculations are also at this link *****




    Some more links which have similar information follow in this posting.




    ***** Two more links from http://www.photo.net/philg/photo/optics/lensFAQ.html the home page

    of "Willem-Jan Markerink" w.j.markerink@a1.nl I am listing the links because his server has

    not been sending the entire page. The problem is know and being worked on.




    A nice program for calculating 'Depth of Field' and 'Field of View':

    http://waterworks.com./~tfv/dmatic.htm DOF & FOV




    Another DOF calculator:





    **** Another link from http://www.photo.net/photo the site of Philip Greenspun *****








    You will discover that there is no universal agreement on the correct size for the

    "circle of confusion." All hyperfocal distance and depth of field calculations require

    that you include a value for the "circle of confusion." Q8 from the first length gives

    a simple explanation for the "circle of confusion."




    Hope this helps,





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