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Image Comments posted by brent_blankinship

  1. I know that you can change the f-stop in ps cs.  Takes a couple of steps but can be done.  Would need to see both images to give a better perspective on what improved and what did not.  The image still has several areas overexposed. 



    Thanks John for your input.  I intentionally took the image with the sun placed to create this effect.  I added a filter and did post work to take away the natural colors and come up with an image out of the norm so to speak.  Thank you so much for your input, it is very much appreciated...Brent



    Addition to port. Mostly interested in comments on the back lighting

    and orange filter. How well does this work and do you think it makes

    it much more interesting than a regular portrait image. Thanks...Brent



    Benjamin I would like to have separated the hair from the background more and that is why I was experimenting with the different colors of back light to see how it all turned out.  I learned that it is hard to separate black hair from a black backdrop with any light, but red worked well.  Blue and other colors not so much.  Thanks you so much for your comments, I really do appreciate them all and look forward to all of your future critiques.

    Tore, thank you so much for your comments and critiques for the past few years.  Seeing your images and getting your input has helped me to become a much better photog. I hope I have helped you in some way also.  It is great to have a professional relationship with such a great tog as yourself and be able to help each other improve with professional comments and the understanding that we are not attacking the person, but simply trying to help.  I really appreciate all of your input and look forward to many more of your images.  I wish you and yours a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from me and my family in Arkansas.







    I cannot prove it, but I suspect you shot this with a very high ISO.  Need to get that down to 200 or 100 for portraits.  Also, cutting off body parts is not recommended.  Best regards...Brent



    My favorite image of this set.  The high ISO created the "grainy" effect that works for this image.  The low f makes me think your focus was on the breast instead of the eyes.  Intentional or not, this also kinda works in this image.  Best regards...Brent



    Very nice shot, good DOF, like the way the model is posed.  Great lighting, model stands out in spite of colorful background.  Hair looks great!  Very nice work..  Brent

    White future


    Very nice overall image.  Something away from the norm is refreshing.  Lighting and blending of light in the image is outstanding.  Thank you for sharing.  Best regards...Brent



    From your comment, you want a perfect image.  The things I see are that the image is well composed other than the hand not being attached to the body.  It comes from nowhere.  The subject is well lit with a lot of contrast which is necessary to separate it from the background. Good DOF.  I like the flower, but I may have taken down the saturation of the flower in post.  The headwrap could have used some more color.  The smoke is great in this image.  She has one catch light in the eye which is good.  Wish the shadow from the hand was not on the face.  May try to darken the background or go with making it black.  Overallv very nice image.  Thanks for sharing.  Best regards...Brent



    There are a lot of thing to like about this image.  Very nice DOF and separation from the background. Probably could have used just a little more light on the subject to make that separation even more profound.  The colors vs the drab greens also work very well.  Very well composed.  Like the placement of the model in the image.  Beautiful model and her pose is natural and mysterious.  Great capture.  Even the orange boat, which you see maybe not enough of, adds to this image.  Thank you for sharing.  Best regards....Brent



    Great image.  Well lit, well composed, you have separation from the background, good eye contact and facial expression.  Congratulations.  I would however cut back on the saturation in post as her face and hair color look unnatural.  Blur the background more either with DOF in camera or in post and always make sure the hair is neat and not a lot of "frizz".  Thank you for sharing.  Best regards...Brent

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