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Image Comments posted by mariolupo



    Contemporary Art. Romantic title, you nearly mislead Micheal. :-)

    In my outback travels seen quite few similar signs, sans script , the aboriginals left on sacred sites, in caves. Modern man still tempted to leave personal messages, old idea, new mediums, more mess. Good capture Dave , good b/w.




    He looks like a nice puppy. I still call them all puppies. The good old friend looks like he was very speedy . I am glad you posted the picture, Joe. He still looks like he is ready to race from the line, to eternity. They have a gentle nature I found and a little bit silly. But I guess they all have different and lovable personalities. I am glad that he had a long life with a lovely family. Best regards. Mario




    I am glad you visited the Amish. A pastoral scene of picturesque retreat for the world weary. The puppy ( I call them all puppies ) intently watching for his ball is master touch. I thought you were worn out from previous battles of wit with Barry, looks like you are indestructible in that respect and you won my admiration there for the fine points you make. Looks like you are also ready to celebrate with fine alfresco lunch . :-) I like the jolly sunshine, others maybe vegetarian. Ah well, you can not please everybody. I like the capture and the finer points it makes, you told the story with characteristic charm. Prepare some wit for possible incoming flack. All best wishes for you my not so old friend. Glad you are back. P. S. Mario is working hard to become a real Curmudgeon, too.. Ciao amigo!



  1. I have missed the line. :-) Well, I did enjoy instead the beautiful picture you captured with charm . Also learned something new about replacing the picture without losing comments. I thank you for the warm and kind words on my folio, they are a reflexion of your kind humanity, a fine attribute you have and shows in your thoughtful words and great photography. All the best regards from Mario.


    Men and Woman


    Thank you John, I find your words inspirational.This is the first time writing a narrative in English , I just spuriously laid down few words as I remember, to tell you, a little story from my former world.

    Some years ago I stared at the TV, here in Oz, and said to myself : would be nice to know what the bloody hell they are saying! I found myself a barbarian, not speaking any English, in the new empire. I started reading all the classics, again, in English in the last 15 years, I have watched most good movies, too. I did set up a decent HD projection room, now. My native language is very much like Latin and for that I am glad there is enough English in Latin. :-) As for the ozzie accent myself I lean very much towards the British, you see, the Brits and Americans would have it confused with South African or Kiwi, the Ozzies hate to be taken for South Africans or New Zealanders , the Kiwis don't like to be confused with Ozzies and South Africans would probably say we sound like a Cockney. What's certain, nearly everybody hates a real Ozzie accent. :-) I extend a cordial salute and if you ever visit Oz, do be my guest, for you will not find lack in fine hospitality with me. All the best wishes and I thank you from my heart for your time and wise advise. Thank you for all the fine photography, history, humanity and exceptional humour you share with us. Mario



    Men and Woman


    Thank you John, really appreciated your time and gracious sharing of fine narrative and all the technical details, also. I used all the computer programs you mentioned, with various degrees of likes and dislike. Sounds like you need heavy duty computer power and great organizational skill to sort and find all the raw diamonds. For one year I did just black and white printing, for very fussy advertising agencies, but I took delight in smaller personal project like working for a war book, hand printing in my darkroom, from WW1- 6X9 cm negative and the results (with a lot of love and care) were stunning. I did a better job then the history museum and got that job. A good print is a work of love and you will truly appreciate and see the difference your good master printer can make. I did not use a traditional darkroom in the last 10 years. With the new brave world of computers, self taught, seems forever a steep curve to keep up with new technology, new printers and scanners and hand made computers and all sorts of wonderful machines and mega pixels and new programs. One of these days I will make time to take some pictures for myself :-) I am inspired by your work.



    John, I will tell you a story or two from behind the Iron curtain. I will probably delete it as it does not have place here on a photo site, I think. I was 20. Romania. Winter 89. The dictator took off in his chopper to escape the surging crowds, he just executed general Milea for his insubordination not to order the Army to shoot the crowd. It would have been a real blood bath. As it was about 1000 young people only, bled on the foot path in the Capital. The snipers were firing from the roofs, some loyal officers from the Security forces and Army or Militia charged the crowds with TABs-troop transport vehicles. The pilot claimed a rocket locked onto the presidential helicopter so he put it down, leaving the dictator and his wife Elena stranded, like stupids in the road. One of their bodyguards at gun point stopped a private car so that's how the end was closing in for them, with a car jacking, not very gloriously, the journey that was to led them to summary execution . The ensuing days of the collapsing regime brought confusion and fear for most people. Reports of terrorists, loyal troops still fighting , indiscriminate killings prompted most population to lock themselves in their houses, in front of the TV waiting for the news and deliverance. The nights belonged to frightful madness. I cant blame them, orchestrated fear does funny things to people frightened for so long. What started genuinely as Revolution, people rushing in crowds as herds you said, was hijacked by clever and communists friends of the former dictator and fear was peddled.. and it worked. For another 15 years.



    I could gather only a handful of reluctant friends. A large gypsy woman was screaming: Young man do you want to die? Go forward! the shots ringing between blocks of flats make hard to pinpoint the source, so its chancy walk. I was singing a prohibited song and some people from a balcony screamed: you frighten us more then the terrorists. Sic. Some Army blocked the roads with tanks and buses. We occupied the party headquarters. As the reports were coming fast and loud over the hand held radios, of imminent helicopter attack also possible terrorists in the forest near we placed a heavy machine gun on the roof and unloaded all the necessary ammunition from a military truck. The few civilians were herded and guarded in a underground bunker to be protected from the fire. I perceived the alarm to be suspicious, as I have a suspicious mind, and

    I was right, as I went upstairs. In the plush conference room the head of the Security forces a Colonel Black and his entourage were parlaying with Army officers, good former drinking buddies to avoid shooting each other unnecessarily. I could not help a word of wit as he was wearing a patriotic arm band just like me and I told him: You have become a patriot overnight, Colonel. To see the confusion on their faces was priceless and my hate somehow vanished. Their world I thought will vanish.He had that fear on his face. The man had me for an interrogation in his headquarters at some time. He died not long time after from self induced alcoholic Cirrhosis of the liver. Small justice.



    To add another small story in the story, about a friend trained previously by the army to dress in civilian clothes and drink with many paid others, pretending to be just another ordinary consumer at the favourite bar of the dictators son, they filled that bar with fake people, for Nicu Ceauseacu's protection. That kind motherly care from Elena Ceausescu emboldened Nicu Ceausescu to suggest torture to gymnast Nadia Comaneci if she refused him. She did take the better offer. Nicu died of self induced alcoholic Cirrhosis, too. Some say he was killed in jail for his fathers secrets accounts from Swiss banks. But that is only speculation. From jail he use to go to football matches.



    I return to my lost friend who wanted at one time to join the foreign legion. I remember being puzzled of his instant disappearance when I looked around, as the first shots rang next to us in the building , he became one with the ornamental plant, the big pot he jumped into, clinging on the tree made him almost invisible. You see, he was well trained to blend.



    You have to laugh, for otherwise it was all confusion and very well done. Little people have not much say in the events, the crowd can bleed but the selected few still win the game. I learn. People are easily manipulated and fear and confusion and very patriotic staff was peddled on live TV. Who done the shooting, who issued orders, most files from secret police archives are to remain state secrets for many years to come. You talked about similar incidents not widely known in history books. I left with disgust as pretty much the same people as before rule the land, only now turned capitalist entrepreneurs. Just a small real story for you, hope you taste it.



    All the best wishes for you as a person who understands and captures history very well indeed, your words and photography I enjoy very much. Mario from the land of Oz.


    Men and Woman


    Fine study of human nature. Very good photography in low light conditions. Your Russian is very good. Reclama Agentsia. Like you said. Regarding fine study of human nature and with your knowledge of cameras you would make probably a fine spy :-) Everybody would presume that in former Russia you take more of a interests in their fine women :-) You have young spirit, lots of personality, knowledge and confidence comes out in oodles in your effusive and enjoyable writing. I just take delight to follow your photographic journeys and all the historic detail you graciously ad. I mean no disrespect in my comment. I studied Russian for 10 years, unwillingly. I hated the idea as the language of the oppressor. But that's the faith of small nations. We were left to Stalin. I still like the classic Russian art, music, literature, women ... I like the Cyrillic script here places and gives flavour to the story. I want to renew my wish for you to have safe journeys and to keep firing away. All the best from Mario





    A stunning picture, I took much delight in enjoying the beautiful colours and perfect composition. As I saw the picture, instantly brought a smile, perfect creation. Wonderful mix of beautiful nature and artist photographer.

    7/7. Best regards.


  2. The silhouetted portrait, with the rich coloured sky, implies strong emotions and from the Master portrait maker, this is work of love. Beautiful image, watching the sunset or the start of another day, romantic work and charming image to enjoy. 7/7. All the best wishes for You and your lovely Valentine.




    For sometime I admired your children photography, delicate work with emotion . You have exquisite timing in capturing that fleeting moment. I think not enough appreciation is given to children photography. This is a fine example of your work, not only a beautiful child, beautiful photography. Thank you for your kind and encouraging comments, I really appreciate your time and very much your photography. I did quite a bit of school and child photography at some time and I appreciate your ability to capture something specials here in your image. I did not have always have an assistant and I was most concerned firstly with the safety of up to 150 kids on those metal stands and also getting the lighting right, and producing well exposed, orderly group, saleable images. I did not have to go back to any of the schools and re-shoot any images. Success ? Technically I guess. Capturing feelings that is not easy. You are doing very well. Sometime I struggle with English, Time for meaningful critics and finding the time for comments. I do confess, I did admire this image some time ago, downloaded a copy and was thinking what can be improved. Not much in my opinion. I thought at the time maybe some cropping on the right side, and adding a more dramatic left to right, light to dark, lighting. That's just cosmetic Photoshop and maybe I have a darker, more dramatic image in mind. With pretty much all pictures you can endlessly fiddle. This is beautiful like it is. 7/7. All the best wishes . Mario




    I appreciated each of your comments. I admire very much your photography. All the best wishes from the land of Oz, from Mario.


  3. A modern and original portrait, a sign of our times. Beautifully composed and sharp, the eyes seem to match the colour and make a strong connection to the phone. Unorthodox portrait but works very well and I like it very much . Your beautiful subject I think helps here with her concentration. Well seen and photographed. Best regards.



    Your real photo invites social commentary. In walking distance from my house, yet another new shopping centre popped up. I went with some excitement in the huge book store. It was like your photo, All of it. Well so much of a good thing :-) Somebody said religion is opium for the masses. Growing up, In a communist heaven, the book stores well full of Marx, Engels, Lenin and a great assortment of books written by various dictators. So I guess can be worse. Some people still queued in earnest for the classics. Aa, Yoga books were prohibited., too, for some obscure reason. I have few bibles around in few languages I compare sometime for historic detail and translation and omissions. You can have so many. Maybe the store answers a need for all the theologians, or Christian historians living near by. Clever politicians make good use of religious groups. I do not see the rush of crows, nor did I see many buyers in my local store, at all. I see an apologetic picture of Rodin's Thinker, so there, Art. Philosophy -is your love of wisdom, Dave. For history, who cares, Little people are just part of it everyday. Jesus? I like the Man, so did another great and learned leader lately said he admire most.

    A story opened to lots of interpretation. Maybe that's why all the Bibles. I still like to think the apologetic one does so for Inquisition, religious wars.. etc.. and a lot of various blood sheds extracted by different and ingenious means. :-) Well, my curmudgeon friend, you too are swimming against the tide, here. I thank you for the picture. From me its 6/7. It's a picture of our times.


  5. Beautiful dream like composition with striking rich colours. Great work Antanas. Thank you for pointing the other web site I really appreciated a lot of your great work on display there. All the best regards. Mario


  6. Thank for your kind comments. I appreciate your time and beautiful words. I think they are a reflection of your very own humanity and feelings towards people. All the best wishes for you. Mario




    When this will became part of your blue period, all the people that did not criticize it favourably will feel sorry :-) Some pictures have so much personal sentiment and faces we love, we get attached to them. I am not a good critic. I am glad you took this picture and gave it your personal touch. Its pictures like this that bring much happiness for your beautiful subject, as is a work of love. On this note I want to send best wishes for you and family. I sincerely hope you pull trough the hard times. I hope you will find time for pictures and the other one of your favourite pastimes playing with your granddaughter when go back home. Do have a safe journey my friend. All the best, Mario.


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