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Image Comments posted by cfreemanphotography

    A Golden End


    The lighting situation was perfect. This is actually frntlit (great

    for color0 but the shadows cast be the trees behind me were exactly

    the right length to give it a nice dimensional feeling.

    Double Helix


    So after snapping this on my trip to Italy, I decided to check out how other people had chosen to photograph this unique pice of Renaissance Architecture. This seems to be a very different approach.


    I decided that I didn't like the color image [before I tripped the shutter]. This shot was clearly destined for Sepia [to emphasize the age of the staircase. I also added some grain and darkened the edges to add to the antique feel].

    Stormy Shore

    Thanks guys :) I'll take a look at that crop when I get home.... How does the sky look to you? I don't think this monitor is calibrated, but it is showing detail (which often disappears in print).



    I personally find the light to be very harsh. The camera angle doesn't really say much about the contouring of the rocks. Waiting for evening sidelight and changing the camera angle would:

    a. Potentially decrease the harshness of the lighting

    b. Warm the color temperature of the light

    c. Improve the contouring


    You might also want to use a polarizer to cut some of the glare. Remember though, this will take away a few stops of light, so you will probably have to use a larger aperture to freeze the motion, if you still wish to do so. I prefer exposure times of 1 second-several minutes, but that is a matter of personal taste.

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