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Posts posted by david.wagle

  1. <p>Bob, do you think the mods would allow "photo nigger" comments in reference to DIY'ers who are extremely miserly and going to great lengths to try and save money? Obvious in such a context the word would be being used in the sense of niggardly, which has nothing to do with race.</p>

    <p>Or would it not be allowed because the term simply is offensive and intelligent, socially well-adjusted people can easily avoid the word and avoid giving offense?</p>

    <p>My guess is the latter.</p>

  2. <p>If you decide to go for the fine arts degree, pick up a second major in business -- preferably with an entrepreneurial focus. Every graduate is going to have the same knowledge about how to use the camera. It will be the ones who can buy that knowledge with the ability to run a business well who will be the most successful -- generally speaking.</p>
  3. <p><em>Why I am studying the Iphone in particular is because of the cult following it has gathered.</em><br>

    Right, it's not about the photographic capabilities, it's about group psychology and marketing. The apps that come with the phone don't do anything that hasn't been available since the first time a digital camera took an image. It makes it easier for those not well schooled in manipulating digital images to do cool things, but there is absolutely nothing unique about the iphone compared to an android phone compared to a blackberry compared to a really cheap pocket digital camera with minimal controls.</p>


  4. <p>I just purchased a 7D after some significant time researching Canon cameras. I dismissed the 60D pretty early when compared to the build quality of the 50D, 5Dii and 7D it just isn't quite up to par. Further, for hard use, the swivel LCD seems to me to be an unnecessary failure point. Other's milage may very, but I've been very happy with my choice and more than one 60D owner at my photography club has commented that they like my camera over their own.<br>


  5. <p>tablets really don't cut it as anything more than portable browsers. You can't really do much with them in terms of real computing. If you want a place to store files, get a storage device. if you want a small computer, get a small computer. I would never look to a tablet as a solution to the problem of what to do with my camera files while traveling. That just isn't a job they do well. There are better options out there.</p>
  6. <p>Use the canon loyalty program to trade in your old 400D for a refurb 5D Mark ii. You won't be unhappy.<br>

    Saving for a camera that you don't even know if you'll want because you have no idea what features it will have or what it will cost is a rather silly approach. If we all did that no one would be taking pictures, we'd all be sitting around saying "I can't wait till the 1D Mark X arrives in 14 years, THEN I'll be able to have the camera I want!"</p>

  7. <p>Mostly "professional" is a word folks use when they have a need to either market or defend themselves. I'm not sure that anyone who conducts themselves as a professional cares that much about what they're called -- because people who conduct themselves well tend to have the character to rise above semantic battles in social situations. As for the rest, if one earns their living from photography, and they feel compelled to defend the term perhaps that says far more about their personality and self-image than the images they produce. Because if you are good enough to earn a regular living taking pictures then why care what someone else calls themselves? </p>

    <p>I really doubt that folks like Cartier-Bresson or Leibovitz spent much time being concerned about what term a part-time pet photographer in small town America uses to refere to themselves.</p>

  8. <p>If you are in business do not underestimate the value of a liability policy. As a scuba instructor I've seen first hand the impact of a lawsuit on under-insured contractor and I've also seen how a complete coverage liability policy can save a business. Be aware that a policy attached to your homeowner insurance may not apply to your business activities. Be certain to ask about limits of coverage when engaged in for profit activities. </p>
  9. <p>Without a food stylist, and the numerous cool tricks up their sleeves, you'll never get close. If you want to try your hand at food styling, there are some good books out there, but be aware that it can take a very long time to learn how to do it.</p>
  10. <p>I'm trying to get things working between my wordpress and zenphoto installs. </p>

    <p>I am trying to make use of a graphpaper press theme (F8) which pulls an image from a post and uses that for a thumbnails to display the posts.<br>

    It works great if the image is embedded using an <img> tag that points to a particular file, but because I'm using zenphoto and the WP plugin zenphoto press, my <img> aren't really in the post, they hare there with short code that looks like this:</p>


    <p><a href="url_to_zenphoto_gallery"><img title="Image Title" src="http://zenphoto_server.com/zp-core/i.php?a=album&i=imagfilename.jpg" alt="Alt Image Text" /></a></p>


    <p>I am not a programmer, but I dug around and I think I found the code in the modularity theme that gets the thumbnail, and it looks like this:</p>



    <p>function image_by_scan( $args = array() ) {<br>

    <br /> /* Search the post's content for the <img /> tag and get its URL. */ <br>

    preg_match_all( '|<img.*?src=[\'"](.*?)[\'"].*?>|i', get_post_field( 'post_content', $args['post_id'] ), $matches );<br>

    <br /> /* If there is a match for the image, return its URL. */ </p>

    <p>if ( isset( $matches ) && $matches[1][0] ) { <br>

    $scan_finds_image = true; <br>

    $matchset = array( 'url' => $matches[1][0] ); <br>

    $matchurl = $matchset['url']; <br>

    $height = $args['height']; <br>

    $width = $args['width']; <br>

    $timthumbprefix = get_bloginfo('template_url')."/includes/timthumb.php?src=";<br>

    $timthumbsuffix = "&h=$height&w=$width&zc=1"; <br>

    $timthumbimage = "<img src='$timthumbprefix$matchurl$timthumbsuffix' alt='' height='$height' width='$width' class='timthumbnail' />"; <br>

    $link_to_post = $args['link_to_post']; if ( $link_to_post ) {<br>

    echo '<a href="' . get_permalink( $post_id ) . '" title="' . esc_attr( get_post_field( 'post_title', $post_id ) ) . '">' . $timthumbimage . '</a>'; <br>

    } else { echo $timthumbimage; } } <br>

    return $scan_finds_image;<br>




    <p>What I think his happening is that the URL is being built to include a call to more php code, so php code is being sent php code, not a link to an image URL, and the result is that no image is displayed. But being as I'm not a programmer, I don't know how to alter things so that the image_by_scan function will return a valid img url? <br>

    Any ideas?</p>

  11. <p>If you're photos aren't good enough for your customers to give you referrals, then you need to stop taking customers until you are making great images regularly. There's no bride alive who when all is said and done will say "well, I didn't get a single amazing picture, but he was cheap, so I'm happy."</p>

    <p>And out of curiosity, can you think of a single service industry where you accept poor results from someone and excuse their poor work because they're new to the business?</p>

  12. <p>So I'm starting to build a site. I would like the ability to blog, post photos as galleries, and allow for private galleries that require sign in. </p>

    <p>Can I get there using wordpress? What should I use for the photos? I want to be able to upload my photos from Lightroom3. </p>


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