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Posts posted by mpolfer

  1. I am a Canon newbie or recent convert. I sold my D200s in search of an overall better camera and waited for about two

    months with great anticipation for my 5d mark ii. My personal expectations were exceeded by far !(keep in mind I am

    leaving a D200 Nikon) I am in awe of the overall ability of this camera to get it "right". Nearly all of my shots are spot on

    now. 1000 iso looks like 100 iso !


    Below is a photo at 1000 iso taken 11-20-08. 110mm with 70-200 @ f2.8 8000th sec<div>00RePX-93523584.thumb.jpg.e251666f6c2522675be3a810cff3b4ed.jpg</div>

  2. I picked up mine at Colonial Hobbies in Orlando. They received 18 (9 bodies and 9 kits). I was number 12 in line and had

    to settle for a body only box. No e.t.a. on the next shipment. By the way, I was able shoot a little yesterday and the images

    were remarkable. 1000 iso is nearly as sharp as 100 iso WOW.





  3. I would echo what David was saying. I have been visiting strobist.com and have really benefitted from all of the info. With

    my newfound knowledge I would say that all Jin needs is some front fill flash bounced or diffused. Then just meter the

    backround for ambient light while chimping to get the right fill. Lots of potential here. The details that are exposed properly

    were all razor sharp..... NICE

  4. I would also think that the shutter was way to slow, especially with a moving subject. I have experienced similar problems with my 70-200vr and have been able to iron out the "problems" by jacking up the iso and attaining a higher shutter. Keep in mind that these adustments are subject to quality of lighting and just how fast your subject is moving.



  5. Raw files are larger because there is more information. I tend to believe that the dynamic range increses somewhat with a raw file too. Can this amount of information be overwhelming.......of course. But the potential of a better shot is ALWAYS going to outweigh the alternative. Mark my words....." The future of digital photography will be in the dynamic range more than the ISO "





  6. I can't wait to lay out the cash for a sweet prime like that. My first two lenses are 17-55 and 70-200vr both 2.8 . While I like the zooms, I still want a prime maybe a 50mm 1.4 first though. Oh yeah, to the person that mentioned that an 18-55 is "just as sharp" as the 17-55. ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND? I have an 18-55 kit lens and have taken less than fifty shots with it. Rubbish IMHO



  7. Ilkka, can you explain how the preflash can be fired early on ? I have had problems especially with little ones blinking for EVERY shot and was unaware of a way to manipulate the timing of the preflash.





  8. Please go back a proof read your "Mission Statement". It seems that you are new to photography, web design and the English language. I did'nt mean to sound so harsh but I felt like you served that one up on a platter :)


    The website itself works for me but I think that some of the photos fall short of impressive while others are quite nice. Just starting out, this can be expected. As you grow so too will your portfolio.



  9. I have used the multiple flash setup and have noticed an inconsistency with iTTL if you are moving around a bunch with your camera. I usually set my remotes to manual mode and manipulate from the master. The instant feedback will get you dialed in quickly. I usually pay attention to getting a clean histogram without clipping and from there almost anything can be corrected in PP if you are shooting in raw.


    Hope this helps.

    ...by the way I was seeking the same advice recently and could'nt get a straight answer on the iTTL thing but have come to my own conclusions with trial and error.


    Good luck




    P.S. If you do all of the calculations in the world and don't like the results with the instant feedback you are still going to be left fine tuning on location:)

  10. It seems that your subjects are getting mixed in with the rest of the picture for the most part. Perhaps shooting a little tighter with a shallower dof will clear this matter up.


    At the risk of being harsh (but you did ask for criticism) these look an awful lot like ordinary snapshots.


    Keep snapping :)

  11. Sorry, this is a somewhat related question.


    Louise, you have 2 sb-800's and 1 sb-600 would you advise me to get studio lighting cans, floods and strobes or would you suggest that I expand on my D200/sb-800 to do "studio" portraits IE Senior portraits and the like. I know I would like the added versitility of the wireless TTL that the Nikon flash family would provide me with because I do mostly "on location" photography. Just wondering if I can get studio results with the TTL setup.(halos and such included of course)




  12. Okay, so what if I DO want reproduce some music for some of my presentations and pay some kind of royalty? Who do I pay and how do I go about paying them?


    Nevermind. I'll just compose my own music. Because as a photographer in todays market you have to be able to compose original scores and set them to your presentations in order to be competetive. Any other means would just be shearly unoriginal and wreak of laziness!

  13. Careful, there will come a time when the student becomes the teacher in everything. EMBRACE them and wish them well. You have nothing to gain with the "buzz off" attitude. And everything to gain by being the teacher. Zig Ziglar says that if you can give enough people what they want, then you can get whatever YOU want.


    The only exception of course would be if someone is interfering with the process during a function in progress. Even then offer to confer with them afterwards.


    You must be GOOD if someone is confiding in you!!


    Go ahead....be flattered.......it's O.K.



  14. Sounds to me like Conrad has met the second coming of my mother-in-law. My mother-in-law would ask the same redundant questions over and over.(pun intended) Then make you feel like as though you have never shot anything bigger than a birthday party.

    No warm fuzzies here, just run as fast as you can in the other direction and think of all of the litigation you are going to now miss out on :)


    Litigation: another signature move of my mother-in-law !!!!!!


    Don't think that litigation is possible? Just ask the dry cleaner somewhere in the northeast about his $63million suit over a pair of pants.

    I would also be afraid of anyone she may refer (birds of a feather...)

    There really is such a thing a "business you don't want"



  15. You mentioned that your camera was new. If the batteries were also new they were most likely not performing to their fullest capablilties yet. Usually afer 3-5 charging cycles.


    Furthermore if you were using the VR function on your 70-200 that would also contribute to the drain.


    Your modeling light could have been a focus assist for low light.?

    Only operational when your camera focus setting is on single servo.


    Hang in there with the batteries. I have added the mb-200 and have not run out of power on a single shoot. If I did though I can just jam 6 AAs in the cartridge supplied with the mb-200 and keep right on shooting. I also have the 70-200VR and can tell you that it is a considerable added drain on the batteries.


    Enjoy your D200:)



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