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Posts posted by eleary

  1. I started my photography journey with a D70 (after point and shoot) and

    Elements 3. My strategy was auto everything (unbelievable pics though) and

    endless clicking in Elements (I'll figure it out you know). Progress was

    slow...but I would learn something occasionally...then I got serious. Elements

    5 , multiple online classes and books...finally feeling like I sortof know

    what I'm doing.Having a great time! On to CS3/Bridge(because you know Elements

    is not REALLY Photoshop...HA!) and a D80 for a larger LCD and megapixels...and

    a new learning curve...a big one. Studying, shooting, enjoying it and starting

    to get a grip. But wait...I have to upgrade my monitor and printer...and don't

    forget the golden rule...Calibrate! Oh I forgot...got to have a decent

    tripod...and remote...I'll not mention lenses. As all of you know endless

    hours are devoted to getting it right...but fun!


    And then...I start reading about Lightroom...I resist for a while but finally

    give in. WOW! But wait, I was just getting comfortable with Bridge...but I

    will say Lightroom is unbelievable, though I am only 10% of the way up the

    learning curve. As for the debate between it and Bridge,it seems clear to me

    Adobe has put its bet on Lightroom and Bridge was a little sweetener to buy



    Anyway I just need to take the advice of Chris Orwig (Lynda.com instructor who

    is excellent) and stop buying...walk away from the computer and takes some



    Oh I forgot to say, I'm headed to a couple workshops (Montana and Cape Cod)

    and they of course have several SUGGESTIONS for things to have, laptop, split

    density filters...etc. Back on the learning curve!

  2. Excellent Michael! I ventured back to the nest today...not with Raid but with a couple of sticks of dynamite I got from a friend in the mining business, Suffice it to say that nest is no longer a threat...though about 2 acres of woodland, an adjoining formal garden along with about a half mile stretch of interstate highway and one wing of a shopping mall will be closed temporarily for repairs. It was worth it big time!


    The first photos for the K2 NES & P website will be available shortly.

  3. I did the same thing and am glad I did, the viewfinder on the D70 was just not usable...the way I figure it there is a reason the D80 came out so quickly with the bigger LCD and I hear a lot of favorable comparisons to the D200. Is it "sane"? I'd hate to evaluate many of my photography purchases against that criteria! I even hear they use to make cameras without LCD's...much less big ones! If you want it, get it, but find other behavior to evaluate your sanity level...this ain't a good one!
  4. Hey Don, why don't you and Frank come with me and I'll show you where the nest is and we will see if you can find it being that it is not "imperceptible"...in fact it is "obvious". You see it without disturbing it and we'll leave and I buy the beers for all of us. You have to disturb it to find it (and you have to find it) and well ...I haul ass, Frank just stands there and you buy me a beer...deal?
  5. RL Potts, thanks for pointing out the "imperceptible" nature of the nest...yes it was underground/under leaves and there was NO WAY to see it. Frank...I'm willing to pay good money, you name it, to see you stand still in that situation...not possible my friend.

    As for the lectures, it was just a silly story with a tongue and cheek spin meant to generate a chuckle...lighten up a tad.

  6. I consider myself a "conservationist" and appreciate all manner of wildlife

    and nature in general...but after today I am ready to sign on for the

    permanent extermination of all yellow jackets from the face of the earth. Out

    in the woods shooting macro with big zoom, magnification lens and tripod fully

    extended...bearing down on a very cool dragon fly when when BAM something

    stings me and sure enough I have stepped on yellow jacket nest...I haul

    ass...they chase, stinging me 2 more times. When I compose myself and slowly

    return they have literally taken over my whole contraption...lens, tripod and

    camera body. I contemplate hiking out to get some Raid (I've done that before

    and it just pisses them off...you get them eventually but it takes a few

    cans) but instead decide to wait til they calm down...an hour and a half

    later I get up the nerve to ease in, grab my stuff and haul ass again....I

    made it but not without a couple of those bastards chasing me for 50 yards (I

    think they were there!)


    I understand they need to defend the nest but enough is enough with the

    chasing me. I'm thinking of going back tomorrow with a couple of cans of Raid

    and deliver a little payback. No I didn't get the shot.

  7. Jim E... I hear you on that...someone rscommended a photographer's portfolio(as the BEST) on this site...I went and glanced at some but they ALL had the overly saturated...unbelievable sky, tack, tack, tack sharp look I just clicked away...seen it. Me, I am still striving to get the basics but I don't think I ever want a wall filled with "Over the top" , "juiced up" photos...but maybe I will. Boy, this topic touched a nerve...I guess I knew it would!
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