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Posts posted by light-zone

  1. You can take the ocular piece off the housing, and attach it to a bag bellows. Then attach the bag bellows to the ground glass. This give you an "eye level" viewing method, perfectly sealed around the ground glass, and without being under a dark cloth. I use this method all the time in the studio, but the sinar does not go on location so it this is practical in the field, you'll just have to try it and find out.
  2. My reccomendation would be to construct a make-shift lensboard out of cardboard and try exposing a couple sheets of film using a lens cap as a shutter. It might give you enough information to determine wether or not investing in a costly shutter assembly will be worth it. If the negs turn out to your liking, well, next stop is Mr Grimes. He can not only do the work for you if necessary, but is a wealth of information regarding older lenses.
  3. I use an older Schneider 210mm Angulon with my 8X10. The lens is small, light weight, razor sharp and has plenty of coverage for 8X10, in fact, I believe it'll cover 11X14" as well. They're hard to find and not cheap, but it's one of the finest lenses I've ever owned.


    No, mine is NOT for sale ;-)

  4. Hi Martin,


    You don't say, but can I assume you are talking about 4X5" format?

    If so, I would have to suggest the 150mm as your first lens. It's going to provide you with more flexibility than the 210mm. Resign yourself to the fact that no one lens is going to do everything. The important thing at this point is to get a good "normal" lens and to get yourself acquainted with using a LF camera. You will quickly see there is plenty to learn, so don't get too hung up on lens selection before you get even "get your feet wet". Who knows, you might even decide LF is not your cup of tee.

  5. Theo,


    although your camera is new, I can say from personal experience that the cheapest part of any Sinar camera has to be those play toy type levels. We have 4 Sinar P2 and the levels all read differently because of the fact that they are either pressed or glued into that holder, and become loose quite easily.


    Trust the GG not necessarily the levels. They do provide a starting point for setting up, but then forget 'em and believe what you see on the ground glass.

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