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Image Comments posted by stephen_hipperson

  1. An interesting subject, but for me the composition doesn't work as it is.  I don't think the left hand side of the image adds any particuar value and it might be worth considering a crop to make a square composition.

    Tia Maria


    I would agree with Greg on this.  In digital you may be able to do some selective curves work and darken that door opening - it will give a quick idea on whether darkening will bring the attention back to your Aunt.  If it's film I guess some burning in may help - but there is signficant detail in the background there to pull the eye.  Don't get me wrong, I think the doorway is an essential part of your composition - it's just too bright and that brightness pulls the eye away from your main subject.



    I much prefer some sort of context for nude shots, so this is nice.  A couple of reservations - the bright reflection to the right of the frame is a bit eye catching and pulls the eye significantly from the main subject.  also - the white chair in the background, at the scale presented here the chair looks as if it has had some selective treatment, perhaps burning in, it just doesn't look right to me - with such a lack of detail it looks as if it was completely burnt out - inevitable with the dynamic range in the picture - maybe pulling the window curtain partly across that window would help



    A nice composition, but I'd have been inclined to drop to a knee to just bring the tip of the highest points of the building free of the tree. Also, I'd recommend you review the colour balance/contrast, the whole is a little flat and the snow could be a deal whiter (I appreciate tod and the prevaling conditions).



    I quite like the overall feel you have achieved here, I think it works well.  My only misgiving, if I can call it that, is the position of the yacht in the frame, convention would tend to put a bit more space in front than behind the boat.  Maybe also review the slight downhill appearance left to right.  These boats are surely spectacular when they are in full sail.

    Forest Girl


    A nice portrait. I like the soft feminine feel to the image.  I find the dark (shadow?) lines on her face a little distracting, also the blue edge to her coat pulls the eye from her face (perhaps a crop to this blue area would help). I might argue that the saturation is pushed a little too much, but I'm not sure, might be worht trying a b&w version too?

    Hungry chick.JPG


    Nice portrait of this bird. I like the isolation you have acheived, but on my monitor there's a feeling of diagonal stripes/bars top left down to middle of frame right edge - not sure why this is so, perhaps something to do with the compression for this site?  Also, It would be nice to see some sort of highlight in the bird's eye to give it some life.

    Lone hunter


    As above, nice comp/exposure/pose.  I do find the red vertical tree trunk(?) a bit demanding in the frame - maybe some selective adjustment to reduce this effect?

  2. The texture shows up quite well in this lighting.  I get the feeling that I would like to move the view a little to the left - cropping a bit tighter to the right might help overcome this.

    A grassy haze


    I'm not sure this is particularly sharp?  The shell is interesting but I feel some acknowledgement to the snail's head would be a good idea , or perhaps a tighter crop - at the moment it feels as if you left the head out as opposed to cropping it out, if that makes sense.  I'm not sure using at title to make up for the signficant oof green haze really works. 

    Monkey series 3


    This one i think - the blue sky tends to pull the eye in the others.  Maybe a little tight to the left side but I can understand the push towards third composition - I quite like small figure in a forest feel of the other landscap one - maybe clone out the sky?


    I like this. I'd tend to agree with comments above concerning contrast/sharpness. I also perceive a straight line across the background between the trees, which catches my eye. This may be a symptom of the compression of the image?
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