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Image Comments posted by jnazarko

    the screw

    I'm always surprised at how attracted I am to shots like this. simple, elegant, everyday items that people rarely acknowledge but look great photographed. Very well done.


    Very nicely framed. The clouds are great but you can't see much detail in this shot. I think this would be much stronger if the clouds were burned in. nice job!!


    Nice photo. I like these very 'bleached' photos. Only critique here is that you lose a lot of detail on the left hand side of the nose. Burning in a bit might strenthen the shot without losing the effect.



    really enjoyed your portfolio. You've got some great stuff. I think this would have been stronger if the whole branch had been in focus by keeping the whole subject in the plane. Depth of field for the background and foreground definately adds to the photo.


    Solitary tree

    really enjoyed looking at your portolio and love the drop of water on the blade of grass. May I suggest burning in tree a bit more. It looks a bit glat against the really cool moody sky which had great depth.

    What Suzy Sells

    very cool idea. It would be interesting to see if you had one shell clearly focused and then used another layer in PS to have another subtle shot in the background. great idea.


    very nice shot. I would add another light if possible to reduce the shadow on the couch and wall or move the subject further from it. Nice framing and composition.

    Right on the Ball

    very nice shot. The fact that you can actually see the deformation of the ball on the bat is really impressive. Nice shot and also depth of field is perfect.
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