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kathy breen

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Image Comments posted by kathy breen

    Story Time


    A photo I took of some bare trees, changed to black and white for a dramatic look and turned

    this into a story book for some fun art. If you choose to leave comments they will be very

    welcomed! K :)

    Tree Of Life


    Hi Lila, THANK YOU for your comments - they are much appreciated. The composition is not suppose to represent reality, but rather fantasy, therefore the proportions are intentionally exaggerated.


    Cheers, Kathy


    Beautiful and striking image. You have captured wonderful expression in her eyes, and the clarity and exposure is SUPERB! GORGEOUS composition. Kathy :)


    This is really a very beautiful photo. The colors are lovely and focus and exposure superb. You shot this from an interesting angle, which lends to its very creative composition. Nice Job!! Kathy


    The colors are gorgeous. Beautiful composition with excellent focus and exposure. I appreciate the beauty of this capture, and just can't believe anyone would rate this poorly, so we need to not take the ratings too seriousy, expecially when they don't come with an explanation. 7/6 - Keep shooting!! Kathy



    Original photo was a door on a church with flower pots and foliage all around. Decided to

    make it eerie looking by adding foreground doors, and special effect lighting to the entry.

    Your comments and critiquing are very welcomed.


    What a striking black and white capture. The horses are beautiful-! Great exposure with excellent clarity and focus. Congrats on this. For me a 7/7
  1. I love this - This could pass for a painting. The colors are rich and the reflection in the window of the structure looking a bit distorted is fabulous. Great Work, and I gave you a well deserved 7/7. I see way too many 3's and 4's on this site given on work that deserves so much more credit than that.
  2. You are so right about the composition of this, but It just struck me, when looking at this, just how many millions of moments we spend in life just waiting around for ------ whatever! I'm sure it looks great in black and white as well, but I'm glad you put this out in color - the red is very eye catching -- Again, excellent capture.

    Up close and personal

    From me you get a 7/7!! What a gorgeous capture with amazing color, exposure and fabulous crystal clear focus on this little guy. I love how you blurred the background to put all the attention on the bug. Great capture - great work!

    Free 3

    Excellent capture. What a beautiful child. I just love the expression of happiness on his face. Great color and great exposure.


    What a gorgeous capture. The colors are beautiful. Exposure and lighting perfect with crystal clear focus. They are so beautiful they almost don't look real. The dark blue color of the water in the background adds to the lovely dynamics of this great photo. Congrats on such a fabulous capture. 7/7
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