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Image Comments posted by amer_jassim

    Grey ( Reworked )


    I don't agree with Stephen even though ,he has point and more likely agree with Tore ,and I will hang this portrait on my wall for simple reason ,Its STANDOUT from the crowd ,its different ,and nicely done.

  1. Tom Miller,was right about breaking the rules,but thinking about the rules,and understanding the role its important then break the rules become purpose to achieve what you want..thank you Tom ,Scuba and Yas and Ihave changed the title as well just for Sarah.

  2. Thank you to all, Jack Dallas,Alain.D and Mark Chartrand ,its really helpful comment especially from Mark there is few point I never thought about it..and maybe for long time I do same mistake ,thank you again and much appreciated . 

  3. Vintage portrait, style or characteristic of Europe in old days, I do

    appreciated, If you don't like it rate me 3 with comment pleas,if you do like

    leave comment..need to learn and educate my self..Thank you



    Very imaginative work,make me smile Pierre I just love the pose of the Cocks and ready for fight .. its nice to catch up my friend ..!

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