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Image Comments posted by Alex

    My Family


    I wanted to have a family portrait with a different flavor and I remember seeing a picture like this a while back last week I decided to give this a try and here it is... Meet me and my family.

    Not to involved but if anyone cares to know a bit more about it here is a link of the lighting and set up I used for this shot.


    Thanks for watching and for your thoughts.




    Muy buena imagen. Mu gusta mucho como la luz realza la textura de la pared y crea muy bonitas sombras en la modelo. 

    Mi opinion con la columna, por mas que no afecta a la foto no veo que la veneficie tampoco. crea mucho contraste que quita un poco de atencion a la modelo. La pared sola tiene suficiente textura y contraste para crearseparacion si nececidad de agragar otro elemento.

    Felicitaciones por tan buena foto.


    Alyiah and Matt


    Jorge que buenas fotos que tenes en esta serie. Muy graciosa la segunda y la quinta esta fantastica. Muy bien  logradas y si, realmente se ve la coneccion del dueño/a y la mascota.

    Aca esta Sofia con su primer mascota. Despues de unos cuanto meses ya no le presta demasiada atencion.






    Que contas Alberto? Muy buena image el poco azul  que se ve esta super saturado con un color exelente. Me gusta mucho la sulueta que crean los edificios a los costados.

    Muy bie pensada




    I can see how Alf's observations are pretty good, had he not mentioned them specially the tree trunk I doubt I would have noticed it since the overall image is so strong and there is so much to enjoy.

    Great work


  1. You have done great. I trully convey the message and make the viewer feel the morning cold. I particularly like the zig zag effect and the tree closest to the foreground.

    Outstanding image.


  2. What a terrific image you got here. I like the compostion a lot and the great semi mysterious look with the background fog.  The object in the water right by the hotel reflection looks like the creature of the black lagoon :)

    Fantastic Job


  3. Hi Pamela. Personally I don't think this image is to thight. I really like the image as is may be a version of Black and White to make it look more dated. The composition is very pleasant, sore are the colors and overall contrast.

    You did a fantastic job.





    Just a great image of an American classic. The composition is very nice with great colors and contrast. The whole image is impecable including a good choice of solid blue car (good one)  background I really like what you did here. The one thing I can't tell is the the vignete, (to me) it does not add more value to this already great image.




    Wow. You sure have a fenomenal image. I love the composition and the choice of shutter speed. The colors are fantastic showing great contrast and nice deeplu saturated colors.

    If I may say only one thing the name at the bottom right is distracting and I don't think it's the best place to insert your site





    During this shot someone brought a chroma background. He mentioned that he saw a person using this kind of background without lighitng it separte from the subject. After trying for a while and failing to use it as a real chroma We moved on and this is one of the test shots. I was about to delete it and I ended up liking it a lot so I messed up the background a bit, corrected the white balance and here we are.

    Thanks for looking and your thoughts.


  4. I guess I'm not going to say anything new here but what a picture.

    the bird formation on it own is a great image but the fact of the lonely bird this image outstanding and then to top it all off yu got one of the most gerogeous backgrounds and once everything is together here you have a once in a lifetime image.

    best regards


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