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Posts posted by living

  1. <p>I, with my friend Kuala, need to figure out the ratio needed to refill the developer on our color processor (Kreonite Promate II). Critiques tomorrow and it would be MUCH appreciated if anybody had the chemical know how concerning this particular processor. Actually, we need to know everything that needs to be done in order to refill the chemistry, because at this point, we believe it's the developer that needs refilling, but we're not entirely sure. PLEASE HELP! Thank you!</p>
  2. the only loss I suffered was a slaughtered battery-:P


    I've never dealt with any sensor situation before so when I read the manual it sounded as if the camera had some built in brush that cleaned it for you......maybe that's the 30D. Well......once again, thanks to all!


  3. Ok, I decided to try this sensor clean on my EOS 20 D. And I was wondering how

    long it will take to finish because I started at like 2:30PM and it is now

    8:35PM and the battery is dying. And in the manual it says if the battery dies

    it will harm my shutter curtain and the sensor..........well, it says it MAY

    harm it. But I left the lens on as well........will that affect the cleaning

    process. Should I just shut the camera off? What should I do?

  4. I love the Philosophy forum. Maybe it's because I like debating certain aspects of photography. Or maybe it's because I like reading them.


    All I have concluded from reading all these topics is that a lot of people try to sound smart by using big words to prove a point that they think is the correct answer. And what I've compiled from this topic is that Jennifer TECHNICALLY is right. But the rest of you are also right!


    John M states

    "It seems that unless you know the source you are incapable of making any kind of value judgment? How odd."


    He's right because it shouldn't matter about the source. Because then if you do, you can consciously or subconsciously put a mental block on that certain photograph or photographer (paraphrased quote from above). Putting labels on people will blind you from the photograph itself because you'll take into acount more about the years experience that individual has rather than the artistic merit of the photograph. An amatuer could have LOADS of artistic pottential built up inside of him, but won't isn't used to it's FULL pottential because he has smaller knowledge of composition, lighting, etc. But that doesn't mean the amatuer hasn't captured it.


    Jennifer is right in that when it all comes down to it you can't 100% absolutley know if it's taken by an amatuer or an artist without a caption because you don't know a newcomer as well as you know a well established artist. Because if you have a captioned photo of an established artist you can safely say that "Yes, he is an artist because I have seen his art before"


    But that brings me back to my previous point, that amatuer could have just as much artistic merit as a well established artist does. He just hasn't brought that merit out to his/her full potential yet.


    And really, this thread could and should branch off into the philosophy on "what is art" because we might have different preconcieved ideas on what art is.


    And just to make this thread more friendly, I'll say that EVERYTHING I JUST SAID is a theory and nothing I said is right or wrong because it is what I think. But your welcome to critique what I said rather than blatantly put it down.

  5. but I got a little shutter happy and when my EOS 20D came only the body showed

    up. I ordered the lens seperate because I didn't like the one that came with

    it. So I snapped a photo without the lens to test it out. Now just

    wondering. That's not going to damage the sensor or anything is it?


    I've done TONS of research on this camera and I know A LOT about photography!

    But I'm just asking this to be on the safe side! I know theres pinhole

    photography but I just shot a photo straight from the body.


    And again. I already feel COMPLETELY stupid when asking this question so don't

    rub it in.

  6. Wow, thank you all for your responses. I wasn't expecting so many so quickly. Well I'm going to take into account of what every one of you said. And what I came up with was that I got the right purchase. I thought the lens would be a little bit bigger proportionately to the body but....eh.....I can deal with it. After I pay this camera off, I'm going to look into Macro lens's too. Any suggestions on what would be the best macro lens for my camera?


    MAN I CAN'T WAIT TO SHOOT SOME PHOTOS! It's like I've been deprived from photography for almost 3 months now. It's gotten to the point where I see something worthy of photographing and I then shut one eye and place my open eye like it's a lens and look at the scene for a good 10 seconds to take the image that is being imprinted on my brain and store it for later pondering. Then I'm satisfied and move on. Anybody ever do such a thing?

  7. I'm making the transition from point and shoot to a real freakin camera! This

    is the reason for not posting any new pictures lately. I'm tired of my moms

    point and shoot and I decided to by a 20D. So I'll now be able to travel

    around instead of using whatever is around my house for photos. But the

    problem is....I ordered the lens (Canon EF-S 28-135mm f/3.5-5.6 lens) and the

    body and the memory card seperatly..........so these items will arive at my

    house........well at seperate times!


    But I have a question about the card. I got the SanDisk UltraII I think. What

    would you recomend me getting?

  8. Well, when I don't have any ideas, usually I just go out and start shooting! I don't know what I'm looking for....but usually one thing leads to another and most of the time, a great idea comes naturally. For instance, one day, I went to my studio to take pictures of fruit....well, I got bored of taking pictures of the outside part of the fruit and thought what it would be to take pictures of the inside of it. So I got a knife and started cutting when all of a sudden, I saw my reflection in the knife....and I shot that and it turned out more interesting than what I originally set out to do. Just take a simple idea and just work around it, you never know where you'll end up.
  9. Thank you all for your responses! I really do greatly appreciate it! I've found all of you guys helpfull, and I have narrowed my choices down to a few camera's. A Canon xTi, Nikon D80, or a Canon that I really like that a friend of mine has. I don't know the exact model but I know it has everything I want and it prints GREAT digital prints, clear, LOTS of color too!

    Thank you all


  10. I was looking at a whole lot of camera's and I found a lot of good ones at

    really good price ranges. My top pick right now is the Nikon D40. But it

    doesn't have all the specific requirements for my desires. I like to shoot

    landscape, street, people, and I want to start shooting portraits and action

    shots. I realize I'll probably have to buy alot of equipment to shoot all of

    those types of photography BUT! I would like to know what would be my best

    thing to buy for all those types of photography.


    OH! And I need a camera to where you can manually set everything, preferably a

    camera that already comes with a manual focus lens too. I need all the help I

    can get so I need someone to guide me into the right camera.

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