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Image Comments posted by patricia

  1. This photo is stunning, as well as many many many others in your portfolio. I love the colours, the expression of the children (specially the one wearing a black vest)and what about the little girl or, shall I say the... chef!!? Congratulations and many thanks for your inspiring work. 7/7
  2. I little bird told me that today is your graduation party! Congratulations! Tanti auguri a te e al babbo!


    Maurizio, grazie per il "rate" and "comment" nel mio gabbiano! Oggi vado a Portogalo in vacanze e mi porto la mia camera. Spero proprio che riesca a fare delle belle foto li.


    (Scusi per il mio italiano, pero sono sempre stata un po pigra per le lingue e il mio italiano e abbastanza arruginito).


    Una belissima domenica a tutti voi.

    Forever, old boy

    I like the way you put the subject at the left of the frame because it less conventional. The expression of the boy and horse's eye is really beautiful. Congratulations it is a beautiful photo.

    Valle Encantado


    A very suggestive and full of details photo. I like it very much.

    As a matter of interest I attach a link for a photo (not mine) of a mountain also called "Dedo de Deus" in Teresopolis, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

    All the best.





    My first black and white! A little bit of burning and dodging and

    there it is: my birds landing and taking off...I would love to hear

    your comments.

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