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Posts posted by peter_harris3

  1. <p>I work in a small shop in Upstate NY. We carry only Canon cameras at this point, and have issues getting ahold of the new SX200s, the D10s, and the outgoing SX110s. <br>

    Outside of that, we were trying to locate some SD1100s recently to just have in shop, since it was a nice little model. Previous week, we were able to secure some to retail at Canon's suggested $179, which was swell. This week, we called our distributors, and they're suddenly selling them at the same price cost. Rep said that shops are clamboring for them, and selling them for close to $229, which is the MAP price of the SD1200. I checked Amazon for fun, and prices there for the 1100 range from $199 to $279 for the brown and pink models.<br>

    I saw trends like this with the SD1000 when the 1100 hit the market, where a model that sold for $179 at the low end suddenly retailed for $250+.<br>

    Does anyone know what this trend is all about? Why a sudden price surge at the end of life? I never saw this kind of thing with Nikons or Sonys when I worked for Ritz. What gives? I'm losing sleep.</p>

  2. I have a Vivitar f2.8 55mm lens I enjoy using on my AE-1. It supports a 1:1 ratio at closest focus, and still

    makes for a gorgeous portrait and all-around lens, without a terribly huge weight or size concern. If you can

    find one of these for a fair price, jump on it, it's been wonderful.


    For example: <a


  3. I haven't done measurements yet, but I'm looking at the model and I think it might work okay. There really isn't much of a difference in the mount distances, but I can see where the aperture kicks might get in the way. I think the pin connectors for the EF lenses will be removed and a switch or stop will be put in place there, so you can adjust the FD rings appropriately. Have to see how it goes, I think. I'll keep you posted, one project at a time though. Otherwise, it's a great camera, but I can't tell how to reset the damned file numbers. I guess you just don't? A little sad about that one.
  4. So I guess that was the question... Outside of an obvious comparison between an APS-C, Full Frame 35, and say, digital medium format sensor... Why does a full frame DSLR cost twice as much as an APS-C? This argument can go on for weeks, but I was just curious what was available for lower costs.


    If I do what I intend, I'll be posting more on the boards here, but I just like to know what's out in the world and thus determine limitations. The D60 project is going to involve modding the lens mount to support all the Canon FD lenses out in the world... old glass makes a different image than new glass, and I like it. But since I don't color develop in a darkroom, digital editing is going to be an added bonus with that RAW support.


    The other question that people have brought up in that post (EOS department) is this idea of an adjustable BACK for older film bodies. Hard to do, yeah, but I don't see why it is so difficult... outside of demand, R&D, parts, engineering, etc etc etc... why not? Look at relative cost of components over time, and how we all paid so much for CD players twenty years ago. $15 at Walmart or LESS! $99 or less digital P&Shoots.... it's all a matter of time and availability I guess... and being willing to get the work done. Idunno... rambling. Think about that though, umpteen thousand old steel-bodied SLR's and clean lenses, where's our revolution? Somewhere online somebody had this concept, had to be a college design project. It was a cartridge same size as a roll of 35 with a tab on it, like new rolls of film, to fit into anything you wanted that supported the format. Cute idea, a little complicated, but why the hell not? It's coming, I say, as soon as I make my millions.


    And to everyone else, thanks for the Kodak references, I'll look into it. For projects though, not for shooting myself... My 40D works just swell.

  5. Related slightly to my Canon D60 madness project in the EOS forum, anyone know what the lowest price, USED, full

    frame sensor camera out there is? I got the D60 for $200 from KEH, maybe somebody knows of a low price, 3MP+

    older build that's fairly affordable? I can't see the reason behind exorbitantly priced extra pixels... maybe my

    ignorance precedes me. Thanks, -p

  6. Thanks again, folks... I'd love to mod a bigger model, like a 40D, but this is about low initial investment. Since I don't know anyone who owns a D60 nor can I get my hands on one, I'm going out on a limb... worst case, I'll resell it to someone if it won't fly. Vandit, these are things suggested before, but the Nikons need lens feedback for the cheaper models, or won't fire with nothing attached... I'd prefer not to play with things that need to be overridden, I just want the thing to fire if I say "go". When I get the camera in hand I'll play-test it for a week, see how it flies, then crack it open and see where the guts rest. Keep you posted, thanks again for feedback folks!
  7. Thanks for the notes to everyone, much appreciated. The questions here are things I've considered, and am willing to try to iron out on a body, but it's a question of initial investment more than anything. I want a camera that's not terribly current, so my 40D stays whole and unmolested, as well as the Rebel XT I sold... money is more worthwhile than finding out it was never going to work in the first place, AND I destroyed a good camera.


    Thats why I posted this in EOS -- If anyone's familiar with the D60, do they know how different say, the lens mount area is from the 10, 20, 30, 40D models are? Were they designed to be EF-S compatible, or EF only? Does the model need pin-out feedback from the lenses to operate, or will it take a shot without a lens mounted?


    The 4/3s system is an idea, and I thought about doing this with different brands or models, but I think it would be best to stay true to Canon through the whole build. As for the digital back on an FD body, I certainly gave that tons of thought, and I think it should be way easier than we would make it out to be: give it a power unit, ability to adjust ISO, and memory storage, and that's it. I'm willing to investigate if anyone knows where to get a plain-jane full frame sensor at bargain discount prices... any electrical engineers in the house?


    I'll keep you guys posted, thanks very much, and happy to have Mr. Atkins chime in, I see him all over the place in here :) Keep your eyes out for CANON FD-60 PROJECT in the coming months. If prospects look good, I'll probably build a site for the process to share. Any other thoughts, please let me know.

  8. I'm not inclined to argue the merits of the project as a whole, just that it's something I'm thinking of

    attempting... I would like to know if anyone wiser can think of major snags with this model I might not be

    familiar with.




    I want to remove the entire lens mount section of an earlier Canon EOS Digital model and replace it with a Canon

    FD lens mount. The obvious answer as to WHY is to use all those thousands of beautiful old lenses on a newer,

    instant result. The task might be hard, but that's okay, dad is a machinist. Yes I know you can get adapters, I

    know how crazy I am.


    The question is, if I wanted to use the body in a manual mode, like straight M, will the camera let me? My Rebel

    XT and my 40D allow me to operate without lens feedback, so my insane custom-rigged Ricoh lens does fine, so to

    speak. I haven't got a D60 onhand yet to trial test with, so can anyone tell me if it will fire without a lens

    in? Anyone see other major snags in this kind of project, other than clearance issues and a lack of a

    split-diopter focusing screen?


    Thanks, take it easy on me, I know it's not prudent, but I'd like to see it through. After adapting a Polaroid

    for film, this would be a nice follow up for a success. -pete

  9. I'm working on a little side project with a friend's Coolpix L3, and the lens is

    shot on the puppy, broken gears and the focus unit is out of whack. While I

    have it apart, I was wondering if anyone knows of a way to disable the lens

    error or lens unit all together, so that I might be able to utilize the camera

    sensor in another fashion, for example, doing an infrared mod and adding say, a

    Kodak Disc lens so it's still functional but nowhere near it's original condition.


    Does anyone have ideas? I'm thinking a solder weld, firmware hack, anything to

    keep this thing alive. It's not a useless body, it's just not in such hot

    shape, and not worth spending $ to get a replacement lens for. Thanks to

    everyone, any ideas or tips are appreciated.

  10. I ran a test roll tonite in my AE1, and got some cool results! I set the ASA to 25 and shot with household lighting at 1/30, 1/15, 1/8. I am pleased with it! There is no name on the sprockets, nor numbers. The holes look kind of circular on the edges, which is odd, I thought. I have not printed with the film yet, but it seems to look pretty sharp. I used D76 for 6 minutes. Thanks to Larry for the info, I guess I'll just play with it.
  11. I have recently been the happy recipient of a royal mess of free photography

    equipment. One item included a Lloyd daylight bulk loader with masking tape

    labeled CINECATH TYPE P on it. The loader is chock-full of this film, there

    could not have been more than a few rolls loaded from it. Can anyone give me

    more information on this film? Any searches I do for Cinecath send me to

    Portugese companies which I cannot comprehend. I assume the film was loaded

    about 20 years ago but I am unsure. Any information would be appreciated, and

    yes I realize expired and way-old film is sketchy, but free is cheap, and I like

    to play. Thanks, -peter


    p.s.-- I have not yet tried to develop any of the film, as I am still sorting

    through the mess.

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