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Image Comments posted by mls


    I like this one. I cropped it on the bottom and the right and made the horizon a little more even for you. If you don't like this we can put the original one back up. :) There are 3 pics of you on my portfolio if you want to see them too. They didn't like the flash I used on them so we'll have to do it again when I get a new flash.
  1. It looks as if the ant may be walking the plank.

    I really like this one, especially the coloring. A lot of macro flower shots we see are centered on the flower with little or no background but I really like the contrast between the bright colors of the flower on the left and center with a good amount of the dark background still there on the right.


    Thank you. Yes, I did crop a substantial amount from the bottom of the image but apparently left a remnant in the bottom center. The bridge was orgininally centered and after cropping the bottom I tried to play with keeping it not centered but I like it with the cloned water much better, the balance is much better.
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