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Posts posted by karl.jahr

  1. Photoshop Elements comes as a freebee for many digital cameras and scanners. To me it seems to be almost as capable as Photoshop 7, which I tried and found I would not need it for almost everything I do. Furthermore it is a good entry point into the world of PS, and if you truly outgrow its capabilities you have mastered 90% of the learning curve.
  2. <p>

    A few years ago I was in Fairbanks/Alaska and encountered the panoramic photo

    show of Northern Lights by Leroy Zimmerman. In addition to the photos shown

    there, Mr Zimmerman has his web site <P><P>


    where he shows pictures from all over the World. In my opinion he is one of the

    premier photographers, an equal to Ansel Adams. I highly recommend you view his

    pictures on the web and be amazed.<p>

  3. A German saying: "Erlaubt ist was gefaellt", meaning it's permitted if it pleases.<p>


    Why do we need all those rules. Let everybody do the hobby or profession to personal liking and taste.


    The Academie Francaise had all those rules leading to a lot of in my humble opinion stiff and artificial pictures. Then van Gogh and Co. came along and broke them and we got a whole new look of the world.

  4. Someone just suggested to ban pictures of Venice and Paris for three

    months. I don't agree. There are many places off the beaten path worth

    taking pictures of. Here are a few. Keep it going.<div>00La3C-37072284.jpg.cac11236495961e5ff7d43e0eeb2330d.jpg</div>

  5. There is (hopefully was) a guy who, when in the critique forum, rated every single picture as 6/6 regardless of quality. His critique stats were 9000+ of 10000 ratings were 6s and another 400 were 7s. This does not make sense and ruins what is left of the rating system.
  6. I used my Canon EOS Digital Rebel (6.3 MP version of two years ago) with a Canon 28-200mm f3.5/5.6 zoom without use of tripod. I always found a place where I could place my camera and relied on automatic exposure and focus. Here are two pictures I came up with after some cropping.
  7. Yes, and you can do much more with your pictures such as cropping, lighting, sharpening and any kind of photoshopping. If you buy on eBay, make sure you get the Photoshop Elements disk that came with the camera. It lets you do almost anything you can do with Photoshop without the high expense of the full version.
  8. More on your subject: I do not understand why use of film would be a good first step. It's expensive if you are looking for large prints rather than what you can get from commercial mass labs: You need a film scanner and while there are good ones at reasonable prices, there is the dust problem that will drive you nuts.
  9. Forgot to mention: You don't have to worry about pixelation with this resolution. I do not think that with your limited budget you will be able to buy a printer to print pictures large enough to run into this problem. I have displayed some of my pictures on a 40" LCD display, and - if the quality of the display is good - then the pictures do not suffer. And remember, as you become more proficient and your needs increase you can always sell your camera and buy today's camera at a steep discount.
  10. You deserve a better camera. Canon Digital Rebel is a very good choice. Its original 6 Megapixel version of two years ago has been overtaken by the 8 Megapixel version and then by one with 10 MP. Because it is "outdated" you will find it on eBay for very reasonable prices (I guess about half its original price). Don't fall for the first one you see and check the performance ratings of the seller. Ask the seller to take a highest resolution picture of a sheet of white paper and send it to you to see whether there are any artifacts on the sensor and note: A common scam is that some crook "harvests" good ratings by selling and promptly delivering cheap trinkets and then cheats on an expensive one. Check what s/he has sold.<p>


    Check my portfolio. All pictures taken since 2005 have been taken with the Canon EOS Digital Rebel.

  11. There is a flip side to this: I recently noted one named member who rated every picture in the critique forum as 6/6. This happened several days in the last two weeks. His stats show he rated more than 10,000 pictures, 9000+ at 6 and 400+ at 7. That's even worse for the entire rating system than someone rating an individual's postings a 3/3.
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