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Posts posted by karl.jahr

  1. <p>I have been applying the unsharp mask with values Amount 200%, Radius 1.0, and Threshold 0 on my 8MP pictures using Photoshop Elements 2.0 using either my laptop with a 15" screen or my desktop with a 19 incher. I was quite happy with the results. I just purchased a new 24 inch widescreen monitor with 16:10 aspect ratio and noticed that when I apply the unsharp mask it gets too sharp results, and also older pictures where the unsharp with above parameters was applied don't look as good. It is unlikely a screen problem because everything else looks good. Any ideas are welcome.</p>
  2. It's the person, not the equipment. Any good photographer can take good pictures, even with P&S boxes. It doesn't

    work the other way round, however. If you are not good, even the best 100 megapixel camera with 20 lenses doesn't

    get you good pics either.

    <p> I like my camera (EOS 400D) because I got used to it. And if I had a Nikon or Pentax instead, I would like

    that one for the same reason.

  3. I am noticing that in general anonymous raters rate lower than registered members. Since most of the registered

    members rating my photos are very good and do not need mate rates, I tend to pay more attention to them.

    Therefore I am also puzzled that PN values anonymous ratings for picture of the month rather than those of

    people who have proven themselves.

  4. Rachel, I just had a quick look at your portfolio, and you don't look exactly like a beginner. There are ways to express "wow" and "great shot" with more meaningful expressions. And there is no need to concentrate on technical terms. When you look at a Rembrandt, do you talk about how he mixed colors and use his brushes? I don't think so. Emphasize the emotional side and how you reacted to the picture.
  5. I would like to suggest to provide a separate ratings category which is

    available only to people with recognized credentials in the photo net community,

    be it through forum contributions, regular critics rather than ratings of

    pictures, etc. People like David Orea or Fred Goldsmith, among others, come to

    mind. - Josh, what do you think?

  6. Question:

    I'm always intrigued to go to New York City and get a series of pictures I'd

    call "The People of New York". I certainly can do this for my own enjoyment and

    share it privately with friends. But when it comes to publishing it on the web

    or submitting it to competitions, etc there seems to be a need to obtain a

    release. This, however, is obviously impossible if I am to take pictures as

    discreetly as I can without the subjects noticing they are being photographed.

    Is there a way to go public without a release?

  7. "Give me your tired, your poor,

    Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,

    The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.

    Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,

    I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"


    Emma Lazarus� Famous Poem at the Statue of Liberty<div>00NKwx-39827384.jpg.bf878000d66fa4530ab638b62edc5d79.jpg</div>

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